wheres the evidence that they lied to cover their tracks? there’s so much nonsense in this thread it’s ridiculous even for the bbs! they undoubtedly made a mistake in leaving their daughter and the twins alone. There won’t be a day that goes by that they won’t deeply regret that. Would I have done it? No. Do I profess to be a perfect parent? No. Could events conspire against me so that when I act imperfectly it could result in catastrophe? Yes. there is an interesting class issue at play without doubt, but to suggest they murdered their own little girl is beyond daft in my opinion, there is just no evidence of it. I don’t get this thing about signing her name either ? Loads of doctors use their maiden name and married name interchangeably, quite often to keep anonymity.
I understand that. You can't meet them in England full stop. Does this meeting have some sort of relevance in the whole scheme of things?
https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/wor...pect-investigated-in-2007-before-being-let-go eve (@evelilyyoung) Tweeted: Link here if anyone wants to double check before the story mysteriously disappears: https://t.co/WozbaXQXoW Not necessarily a new lead
I can't understand why you'd go on holiday as a young family and then want to spend time away from your kids. That's what the balconies are for, enjoy your family time then chill on the balcony while the kids sleep. The whole thing has been a stain on the Algarve which is a real shame because it's a beautiful part of the world and really family friendly.
It's all so long ago that I actually have no idea without spending half the night looking up all the statements to be honest. I've got no idea. As I said I just found the information and posted it to correct the false information posted. I'm not sure of the relevance but I do find it extremely interesting that his official witness statement contains such a false statement.
Well at least you're honest in repeating that you've no idea. I've no idea why I bothered taking issue with someone who has no idea.. So at least we're clueless between us.
I don't see the point in lying and pretending that I have all the quotes at hand. What I will say is that my recollection of the case from when I did take quite an interest in it years ago was that their accounts contained many contradictory statements and claims in them though I cannot remember exactly what they are.
but remember mate, they gave multiple statements it would be a piece of piss to find minor inconsistency between so many statements the idea they killed her is totally implausible imho
You know - I've always had a problem with the c whole McCann thing. I'm 44. When I was a kid I was (many times) part of a "club trip" to Blackpool. I'd have an awesome time in the beach and from about 19:30 ish I'd be left in a family room on my todd for about 4 hours whilst my parents went to the main dance floor and enjoyed themselves. Very occasionally, I'd go with them. Many times I wouldn't. At the time, I wouldn't give it a seconds thought, it was just how it was. Since then, I can't believe they would do it. That's down to the McCann's - and to my mind is a good thing. I consider myself more responsible than my parents. I consider my kids better looked after than me. Do I consider my self at risk or neglected as a kid - not b even for second. I'm not damaged, I'm just surprised with the benefit of hindsight. The MCanns did nothing more than my parents. I don't believe they killed their daughter. But, they are vilified in perpetuity. They didnt kill their daughter (in my view) and were victims of stupidity rather than anything more
There can't be a day goes by that they don't regret what they did, but I still can't see WHY they did it, when our kids were young we always got somewhere where there was somewhere nice to eat a takeaway or a home cooked meal and stayed in. Also can't escape the thought if it had been Mr and Mrs Bloggs from the council estate they would have been pilloried and probably charged with something like wilfull neglect.
They were negligent and selfish to be honest. Spouse and I would never have dreamed of leaving the sprog alone, perhaps until teens. Not that we would have wanted to anyway. There are sadly thousands of negligent or hopelessly useless parents in our country as I type. Neglecting their kids now. Should we chuck them all into prison? Could we? When I was a kid I roamed all over the place, gone for hours. They'd be questioning my parents these days. Parents who just let me do what they'd done.
It's so easy to look through the benefit of hindsight. My first ever "foreign" holiday was a ferry trip to Ostend. Whilst there I fell out with my parents (can't even remember why) and I stomped off for hours. I was furious with them and I p*ssed off for hours whilst sulking. I was 8. I can remember where I stomped off. I reckon if I went back I could even retrace my steps. It was a bloody long sulk! I went half way around the city, round a church/ cathedral and back again. My youngest is 8 and I don't even let him to the shop alone. Again, it's not a go - I feel that I "molly coddle" both my kids. I just feel that times change and it's easy to forget that from the comfort of an Ivory Tower.
That happens to me. I just use my charm. It's knackering but it's knackering for Laura too. I appreciate everything she does for George. It isn't easy but it's worth getting up at five n' getting in at six in the evening for. I'd comb every blade of grass for him and Laura and that's why it's never sat right for me.
I think part of it is group validation Other parents seemed to deem it ok so it validated it. I dunno, peer pressure is quite powerful. Not that this makes it right.
Depending where the shop is iet him go. I think we ve swung too far towards caution. Apparently the number of stranger child abductions has remained about the same throughout the decades, very very rare. For mine going to the shop was a rite of passage the summer holiday before juniors. It gave them confidence and independence.
I'll stand to corrected but I believe the allegation was that they were given "Calpol Night". You can't get any more. It contained Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, which is "just" an antihistamine. In the 80's it used to be Benylin night time cough mixture. Truth be told, it was a way to legally sedate your kids!
You're right Helen. I stray between comparing myself to the McCann's if I drink too much at a BBQ and don't know where they are at all times and then not giving them room to grow like I had. I also think, if they were like me I'd go mental at them. I'm not fair to them at either end. Parents eh - sure they'll hate me in their 20's, tolerate me in their 30's and appreciate me in their 40's. So long as they get there eventually.
You could strike lucky like I have and have their appreciation before they're 20. You can only do your best, but I think some of the best childhood memories should be amongst their friends and away from their parents.