I'm sure it's hard when your whole life becomes a consequence of the worse decision you ever made. It was a decision though, one they made on more than one occasion. To leave a girl who want quite 4 years of age without adult supervision. Its reprehensible behaviour, now as I remember some of the other parents in the group were doing the same thing. They got lucky, and they too should be charged with neglect. The whole thing just disgusts me.
I was sucked off in a mates out house at 12. I'm glad my parents weren't watching. Although they did find out because someone was spying on us and phoned the school.
I presume you were wagging it and your parents were fined £60 for none attendance / unauthorised absence.
They used to use Woodwards Gripe water. It used to be basically vodka.... Lots of kids stopped crying and went to sleep after a couple of spoonfuls.
No idea what happened to her but it's mental the amount of resources that have gone into the case. If it was a poor black kid it would have been case closed after a year at most.
It was a brand that no longer exists - I think Senadryl - used to be made in Manchester by SSL International before Reckit bought them - I was working there at the time. When after the McCann case folk realised you could use it to "get your kids to sleep" sales rocketed - then pharmacists were told even though it was OTC they had to stop selling it without consultation.
Font get the point you're making. The fact that the baby crying has been noted and parents summoned shows they are aware. In the macanns case they hadnt a clue Dean had been crying the night before because it was a surprise when Maddie told them. Ergo, they werent being sufficiently cared for.
Point being there not the only parents to have left their children unattended for a short while, used to be common place in the 60’s n 70’s in butlins etc, it went tragically wrong in this case, they’ve paid every day of their lives since, they were at fault obviously to some extent but there is no real evidence that they were involved in the girls disappearance
There is however evidence that they deliberately attempted to harm the investigation into her disappearance.
Is there?, why would they want to hinder the investigation into her disappearance and possibly locating their daughter, in the early stages they would have seen this as the best option to get their daughter back, it became apparent later that the investigation had gone from finding Madeleine to trying to make the McCanns look guilty and focused more on protecting the Algarve tourist industry
Surely you can see the difference? Those parents had chosen some form of childcare. The Macanns chose none They had their warning, Sean had cried in the night and Maddie had asked where they were. So maybe I usually have 1 drink when I drive. Say last night I had 2, my friend had the same and then when breathylised was over the limit. Surely a reasonable, careful non negligent person would heed the warning and not have 2 drinks again?
Maybe so but they had the full weight of govt support, a load of money that ordinary people had donated . Any sane person would want to be ruled out asap so the police were forced to look elsewhere. Could have started by answering some of those 48 questions. https://closeronline.co.uk/real-life/news/kate-mccann-questions-maddie-police/
Yes, absolutely clear evidence that they did. They were clearly told not to release a certain picture of her as it increases the risk of her being killed. They released it anyway instead of the hundreds of pics that didn't give that level of risk. They refused to answer questions during the investigation. Regardless of the line of questioning they were questions about the disappearance of their CHILD. putting your own reputation first and refusing to answer questions that had even a 1% chance of clearing up what happened that night out of a sense of not wanting to incriminate yourself is absolutely disgusting. One other thing. How common is it for parents to spend just a few hours a day with their kids? According to the McCanns their holiday routine was. Wake up, have breakfast. Leave the kids at a crèche for 3.5 hours so they could go out with friends. Have lunch with kids Leave the kids at a crèche for another 2.5 hours so they could go out with friends Feed them dinner on their own and put them in bed. Leave them unattended so they could go out with friends It seems that the children were a nuisance to the parents
The “Butlins” childcare was virtually none existent, someone walking round the camp without entering the chalets or knowing even where children were, was even less childcare than the McCanns used, a fire could have broken out in a wooden chalet or someone could have entered and abducted a child, it could or might have happened but wouldn’t have had the media spotlight that we have today
Any normal person goes on a family holiday to be with their children surely? How many normal people go on holiday with a man who has previously asked if their infant daughter would perform oral sex on them and were known to child protective services in the UK?
They may have gone against “advice” by the local police in that instance, they may have been advised different by another adviser and realised that the local police were incompetent and had a different agenda focussed less on finding Maddie and more on protecting the tourism industry by showing the McCanns in a bad light. The McCanns were at fault leaving the children vulnerable to abduction, it’s far more likely that they were targeted by a paedophile who may have been watching there movements than the McCanns being directly involved in her disappearance, they let their guard down.
Regardless of whether or not it showed them in a bad light the right thing to do is answer every question you possibly can to try to find your kid. It isn't to throw her under the bus to protect yourself. That's an absolutely unforgivable thing to do. They were extremely unlucky to go on holiday with a paedophile who had made explicit comments about Maddie and then have another paedophile come along and take her