What a knob he is been held up by protesters no mask on no social distancing what a role madel he is, and to be honest I have not a clue what's its all about, seriously they can loot, attack cars, people, businesses organise a covid19 hot spot protest, what do they want from all this that is my question..
Just an excuse to break the law for most of em, they haven’t been able to smash owt up for 2months. Wouldn’t mind, but when black kills black they don’t seem bothered. Black lives matter?? Only when it suits. #alllivesmatter.
They want police to only kill white men in America from what I can work out. Must be the case because they don't protest when a white guy is murdered by police, only when a black one is. Makes it different apparently.
Are you a expert on American history? A boxing page I followed listed a load of black men in america who have been killed unlawfully over the past few years if your interested I'll dig them out and pm you the names and you can do some research.
I bet our next James bond is black mark my words, equality and all that... Seriously am scratching my head with the outcome they want,
Christ. The absolute state of some of you. But sadly, based on what I’ve read on social media, you’re just some of many.
I'd appreciate if you could do that. No I'm not an expert but for quite a few years now I have taken an interest in police killings in America and the circumstances around them.
I am sure if protests were organised against police brutality in the wake of those there would be folk from all ethnicities prepared to demonstrate.
I once went out with a blonde lass who claimed to be a true natural blonde... On removing her pants I found a massive Bush of black pubic hair On questioning her about her claim... She replied... You know when you hit your thumb with the hammer your nail goes black....yes... Well that down there has had some hammer...
I think it is. Here’s my thoughts. The police murdered George floyd, no two ways about it. Those involved have been arrested, rightly so. You can bet that most police officers In America are pretty p.issed off at those 4 police officers, they’ve made their job a lot more intolerable for the next few months. What More do the protesters want. I get raising awareness but everyone on the plant saw what happened, it doesn’t need mass protests, especially during a pandemic. Now if the police are found innocent(surely can’t happen), then protest, s.hit will hit the fan. But why protest here? When life gets back to anything like normal the stabbing’s in London will start again and nothing will be done about it, no protests, no black lives matter(I know not all stabbings involve people of colour, but most do).All these protests do is cause violence/graffiti/looting. Graffiti on Winston Churchill’s memorial, then mocking the soldiers who are there cleaning it up!! Why?? What’s that got to do with what’s happened. There, that’s my two penarth, off to queue for a McDonald’s.
Exactly. I don't know what else they want NOW. All four have been sacked and charged. Second degree murder is a higher charge than was expected. Protest against police getting away with crime IF he gets away with it. Don't protest now because he might do. My only issue really is that people have refused to look at this or any case involving a black guy as a heinous crime by a man on a man and instead all they see is skin colour and make it racist without evidence. That's just not right imo. Campaign against racism where there is actual racism but don't label something as racist simply because of skin colour. That in the long run doesn't help. All it's done imo is create a situation where black people are afraid of police because of this whipped up hysteria and will therefore behave in a manner that has led to this situation in the first place. Police will then react in the manner they have. It is just fueling an escalation of the circle rather than actually attempting to solve anything.