I don't think it's enough just for everyone on the planet to have seen it. There have been peaceful protests all over England today, maybe just maybe that is the start of something more meaningful, of showing this is not acceptable and wonto be tolerated?
But remember no matter if everything changes we white folk are still victims..............If it's not blacks it's the ******* EU, if it's not bendy ******* bananas it's Eastern Europeans coming here standing on street corners or picking our chuffing sprouts and carrots. Then there's the channel tunnel, Scottish people and folk swimming the channel.
Where is the line if what is tolerable and what isn't? It appears to be White people killed by police: tolerable Black people killed by police: intolerable Why is that the case? Why didn't you feel as strongly about the murder of Daniel Shaver at the hands of the police? For me the line is Police killing anyone: intolerable. Can someone please explain why that makes ME the horrible one here?
Honestly we've tried. I'm not saying if you're horrible or not, I don't know you. You just seem unable to see it from the black viewpoint.
your point throughout all this has focused on one incident v one incident, what’s happening now. most folk agree with you, we do feel just as strongly about all hate crimes or police crimes but that’s not enough. It doesn’t even touch the sides. Black people have been victimized and oppressed since the days of the slave trade, it’s not about what’s happened this week. Enough is enough it must stop.
Come on then give me one shred of evidence that George floyd was killed because of his skin colour. Anything at all?
But it's wrong. You cannot say black people are oppressed therefore this was a racist killing. It doesn't work like that. Why if it isn't about this incident are the protests chanting George Floyds name? Why have they started as a direct result of this murder? Why are they in his name? Of course it's about this because it was jumped on and labelled a racist murder based on nothing but his skin colour. That's wrong. I'm sorry but it just is.
I think you're putting a very **** eyed slant on it all. Clearly police in US have real life threatening issues, the shoot or beat first policy is a disgrace. Just seems blacks are more likely to be on the receiving end, and have done for decades. We've seen whites beaten, we've also seen white ignored and blacks in close proximity beaten. Blacks have been treated differently, that's what it is all about. No different to how some white folk in this country treat me when I open my gob and a tarn accent comes out. Thankfully I'm not beaten or killed for it.
I've seen white people beaten while black people have been ignored. In fact I've seen it yesterday at one of the protests. (Video only not in person)
Correct call, yes wrong move with the treatment but it could have been a white man they was kneeling on, then what would have happened?
you can because it was. Il ask you two questions, I’m not going to get into a 10 page discussion with you around the houses but answer this. Do you think Black and white people are treated the same by the police in America? And do you think a white man would have been killed by that police Officer in the same situation?
On the first issue I believe that broadly yes. The big difference is that black men are involved in more of that kind of crime that sees them in confrontation with police. THAT is an issue that needs addressing and no I'm not blaming the black men for that. On the second issue. Yes. He was a man with a thirst for blood. What evidence do I have to think it? His previous shooting dead it's white man. What evidence do you have to think he would have acted different? A guess
Who am I blaming for what? If you mean this murder then I'm one hundred percent blaming the police officer who has a long history of violence and has already killed. If you mean who am I blaming for black people getting into more crime etc then I'm blaming (as I've repeatedly said) a lack of opportunities based on historical oppression. What am I asking for? For more funding being directed to areas where black people make up large numbers to give them those opportunities. What am I not doing? Seeing someone's skin colour and instantly assuming the killing was racially motivated. It's prejudiced to make such a claim.
Short of telling you you're right, I don't think you'll take anything on board. OK, for the sake of argument there was nothing in the tiniest racist about these cops, they re really paid up members of Black Power. The reason people are up in arms is because over the years, decades , centuries black lives haven't mattered the same way that white lives have. OK?