I'll take that as you saying you have no answer so you'll just try to belittle me instead. It was a genuine question and instead of even attempting to answer it you was sarcastic and tried belittling me. It does you no favours at all. Just like when a video was shown of two articulate black American men explaining their view instead of offering a counter argument you just tried belittling them too with 'i don't like youtubers'.
Yeah, just imagine a black guy even daring to audition, he'd have to be a real uppity one eh? Jesus Christ.
It wasn't intended to be belittling but as I've said, me and others have tried. You obviously aren't going to be dissuaded from your viewpoint. I do get the point you're making, I'm not the killer and maybe he wasn't in any way racist but it seems somewhat implausible to me .
Why is it so much more plausible to you that he saw a black guy and though I need to kill a black man than it is that he was a thug who would happily have killed anyone on that day? His last victim was white. That's the question I'm asking here. And it's a question nobody has even attempted to answer. Don't you think it's a valid question? It's certainly a question that will be asked in court and will be debated. But in here it seems that if you ask that question you are a monster
What would actually be wrong with that? A few years ago I would have agreed with you. They had tried to stick pretty close to the original description of James bond so the actors looked similar (from a broad description). That's fair enough. It's a good reason to keep him looking similar to allow for people to believe it's the same character. Then they gave Daniel Craig the job, a totally different look. At that point James bonds look is no longer important to the franchise so why not a black guy?
If no other black man had been killed by the police you'd have a point. Where there is a history of it, where a lot of the time it doesn't even get viewed as unlawful killing then no, it's not the key question, no its it's not the one that needs answering right now.
Hang on. Your two penneth was this, wasn’t it? Your opening post. The reason I said “the absolute state of some of you”. This one: Like I said. Absolute state of you. There, I’ve expanded @SuperTyke. And yes, I am just as outraged when a white person is murdered by a police offer in broad day light for no reason whatsoever, it’s just very rare. Blacks getting erased by white officers happens much more often. Therefore, and considering the last 400 years, I’d say it’s a race thing. And even if that officer was just a cold blooded killer, I believe that incident has proven to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, hence the worldwide condemnation and these mass protests. Like others have said to you though, I’m not hanging around to argue the point all night. My initial response, like I say, was aimed at the empty heads.
I like Anthony Joshua. And I'm sure he doesn't want white people not to subscribe to his next pay per view fight.