But if the shoe were on the other foot the cries of cultural appropriation or whateever bollokcs is speiled out these days would be deafening. If bond were written as a black characther and then played by a white guy there'd be boycotts at oscars and all sorts of ****. You would'nt be able to move for sanctamonious holier than thou bullsht I personally think Idris Elba would have made an outstanding bond - but the characther is white - and is straight, and is a man. Just like Dr. Who.
I would think there'd be outrage probably because, as a race, we've culturally appropriated a hell of a lot more than the other way round
There's a lot of people on this thread that are anty-black. Can't you see why these protests are popping up all over the world, nar Fck it, it's like talking to a brick wall, all together I'd sooner be a Racist than humane o' yes I would, o' yes I would.
Ok mate, you’re right, we’re all racist, brexit voting knuckledraggers. Watch exiled’s video before you start talking s.hite. I think he talks a lot of sense unlike you!!!!
A few things to this: 1. He's a fictional character. Why does it matter what race he is? Particularly when it's a character with several iterations. Saying "the character is white" suggests that there's something about the character which is incompatible with him being black. There isn't. 2. Surely it's a more fundamental aspect of the character that he's English. He's been played by a Welshman, a Scot and an Australian and that was all apparently fine. 3. I don't think it's ever stated in the books that Bond is white, so he's not canonically white anyway.
I can't wait for Idris Elba to play James Bond. Luther is still my favourite crime drama of the last five years.
Can't beat that kid, as all my Auntys have passed away, what gets me though is why are you telling me that you have an Aunty Janet Black as tha lost it or summat.
Summary of thread. A couple of pond dwellers and someone who's literally prepared to argue white is black just for the sake of it in the face of all evidence and common acceptance.
Haha, You don’t even know me fella. Am I racist because I have a different view to you?? Seems that way.