6th June we remember DDAY . Had we lost and England became Germanic few of the BAME people today on the London marches would have existed .
How do you know, the call went out to the Colonies etc to come here and help rebuild the Nation/economy due to a decimated population. Hitler would’ve still needed to do that.
And if the Normans hadn't have won the battle of Hastings we wouldn't be eating mutton and living in cul de sacs...
Had BAME people not contributed to the war effort the war would not have been won. Not sure of the exact point of the post?
If DDay had been a total disaster it doesn’t follow that the war would have been lost. Far from it. It would have just dragged out longer
I think he's trying to say that if we'd have lost the war none of these pesky black people would be here.
It’s a bizarre interpretation of the war. We all know it was won on the Eastern front, if we’d not managed to succeed from D Day, wed have invaded again later when the Germans were even more on the ropes, it’d possibly have changed the Eastern Europe map, but the Germans weren’t going to win by that point; they’d bit off more than they could chew. but what’s your point?
Would Nazi Germany Have implemented stricter travel restrictions if they’d have won the war for 75 years? That’s a pretty severe lockdown just to keep zeee blacks out...
The BAME people in london now is diminishing due to the black on black killings.Oh sorry we cant mention that can we,like a lot more things .