This James Bond one is quite bizarre isnt at. At the time the books were written just after WW2 there is little doubt that someone in that sort of role would be a white male The early films were fairly faithfull to the books and except we cast a scot instead of an English actor in the role Fast forward 70 years and todays Bond films bear no resemblance to the original books, there is now no reason why a British agent would have to be a white male. I dont care whether the next Bond is white or Black or mixed race. Interesting that no one had a problem with M being a white woman in the recent films - in 1953 the role would certainly have been a man. Oh and just off topic the films depicting Jesus or Moses or other Biblical characters havent always been cast by appropriate ethnic characters
Sssshhhhhh!!!! Don't let them know Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the disciples (All patron saints) were undoubtedly black African or of Middle Eastern appearance. Tommy Robinson's racist bible has cut outs from TV Choice of Charlton Heston, Kirk Douglas and Robert Powell, just to remind him that God and all his true creations are white and from either UK or US.
I think one answer would be to stop calling it James Bond and use 007 instead. Whoever he, she or zhe is. You wouldn't have that problem of the same name or character that has been fighting baddies from the 60's to this decade. They would be agent 007 and you could even kill them off in a film.
Can you stop sharing tweets please from far right, racist accounts? Or are you unaware of the types of people you keep sharing on here? Which isn’t great either.
f.cukin jesus. this thread is thoroughly depressing, and a shining example of why the BLM movement is needed.
If I hear the term "lefty liberal" again today then I'll scream. Them loony lefties, with their lack of racism. Snowflakes.
I know its bizarre so its just fine to be a selfish right wing racist, but show any consideration for others and you are a weak willed lefty liberal makes me choke on my quiche
That's the reality for some people though in their echo chamber - not racist = "Looney liberal lefty"
In my echo chamber I see the Liberal phrase used as much as right wing racist, or the assumption that anyone right wing is racist. They're both terrible sweeping statements used way too often by both sides.
I think you may be getting right and left wing mixed up with left of centre and right of centre . The real left wing are anything other than liberals of any kind and the real right wing are almost predominantly nationalists and racists imo.
I think my point is that people are now getting that mixed up and are aligning the two to mean the same thing. There feels to me to be no more 'of centre' in either direction when discussing things with people and just one or the other.
The wonders of the political pendulum. Traditional right and left wing values are now located at right / centre and left /centre positions on the pendulum . Folk are being consumed by ideals from the extremes, it's creating a new form of politics. Folk are waking up to some issues they took for granted, which are being inflamed by fake news and malicious actors. The occupy movement was well intentioned but has been taken over by radicals. The NRA have turned the issue of responsible gun ownership into a threat of armed insurrection. Brexit, well I don't need to say anymore other than the tribalism now makes it impossible for some folk to disagree or condemn actions by individuals connected to their side of the argument. Reasonableness doesn't exist.
Maybe so but I’ve not seen many ultra left posts tbh whereas people advocating communes etc but I’ve seen many ultra right wing posts not so much on here but social media in general advocating a police state and zero tolerance of many liberal values . Most accused of looney lefties are to people concerned about others eg that don’t hold that everyone on welfare are spongers etc .
This is far too common and isn't helpful to society at all. You see on both sides of any argument and it's more prevalent today than ever before in my lifetime and it really jars with me.
Having worked in law enforcement I can be called a pig, right wing Nazi and due to my political beliefs be a Looney lefty liberal snowflake. Figure that riddle out!
The 'looney left' tag, in my experience, stems from the faux outrage at absolutely everything that goes on in today's world where the view is as blinkered to any other view or opinion as it is when the same thing happens in the opposite direction.