Sorry Kev, you've clearly been away a long time. Can you tie this post in to protest movements, lockdown measures or missing person investigations? Thanks.
Welcome back, Kev. For me, the original was the best. However, I do agree with you that the best soundtrack was from Rocky IV.
Vince DiCola did the score didn't he? He did Transformers The Movie around the same time and that too has a banging soundtrack.
Well I thought about then realised there’s more to life... Evil isn’t a skin colour. It’s a mindset. It’s doesn’t matter what tone the skin is, it’s how your mind functions (That’s the protest one) oh and please stop breaking social distance or be fined for breaking social distancing and been a potential cause for a second spike. politics It’s don’t matter who you vote for, vote for what’s best for what you believe in. Again it’s your own personal opinion (some times your best keeping it personal) Missing person Hope you found well and safe, no matter the situation why you went missing. But please be safe and found. on that note... Shall I do another random thread. life is short, your a long time dead and you do not know when that time is...
The first is the best in my opinion but an argument can be made for any of the first four. I didn't rate number 5 and I have only seen bits of the later ones so can't judge them.
I haven't seen any of them. Boxing comes below ITV wrestling in my pugilistic TV hierarchy, Giant Haystacks. Are they worth watching now, given their age?