What do you want me to say? That I was right? Yes I was. 75% of Type 1offences (group abuse involves targeting a victim, or victims, based on their vulnerability) 229 out of 299 were Asian in gang rapes. While 100% of type 2 offences(group abusers are defined as having “a longstanding sexual interest in children”,Paedo’s) 6 recorded cases, all white Paedo’s.
Gang rape is gang rape, no matter who by. It probably wouldn’t have been different in regard to young girls reporting it to authorities. There’s still that fear factor involved from threats etc, but on authorities finding out and investigating it, it would have been reported more on the news, papers, most definitely had it been gang rapes by anyone other that British Pakistani gangs. Hardly a sniff of it on the news at the time.
The word you're looking for is paedophile. You'll find paedo used often enough in The Sun etc. It appeals to their readership.
So you read the Sun? Good for you. I wouldn’t know. But you know what I meant, just trying to be clever!!
Just to put some meat on the bones regarding the grooming gangs. In 2014 the FBI gained hundreds of thousands of key electronic data files linked to worldwide paedophiles. The operations and convictions gained from this were similar in scale to Op Ore in 2000s. Many of the gangs were identified from these data sets. What you don't know is many cases which went to court didn't get recorded in official stats; court records; some had no court reference, many were heard in court without public present and key evidence given in chambers. I can confirm the individuals in most these cases were white and for their anonymity were providing information to get further arrests. Most of these cases revolved around indecent images of children. Child Abuse and paedophilia isn't a one race issue trust me. I've worked in prisons the majority, 95% of inmates on ''special' wings are white British. British Asian / South Asian gangs do exist I'm not denying that but for every grooming gang theirs 50-100 white males watching videos the gangs have created of their criminal exploits.
And yet lots of white folk allowed children onto a TV show with Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris, for years. A good friend of mine was raped when she was 16. By a white man. Why, when black or Asian people commit crimes is their race the big issue for you? What are you getting at? When Harold Shipman offed all those patients, did you refer to white GP’s? Nobody called Ian Huntley a white murdering nonce. Black lives matter.
Also (from actual experience) in Yorkshire we had issues with trafficking of South East Asian women and very young girls. Those jobs still haunt me to this day. Most were being offered out of legitimate businesses and had highly paid London legal representation. The traffickers and pimps weren't white British but the customers were.
Lol. Yeah ok. You do realise it's possible to see tabloid headlines without reading the paper? It's intrinsic in reading the daily reviews of the press etc. You're exactly the sort of person I'd expect to revel in spouting gutter press shorthand though. If I'm a fool in your eyes I'm really not worried. It's a pretty certain guarantee I'm on the right side of an argument.
It doesn’t work like that sorry. Not a single person has offered a motive for this one killing. It’s not the salient point, but it’s the point you want to argue about. This is one of those times where this is just your opinion, your very strongly held belief is simply wrong.
It’s not about one cop, on one day, killing one black guy, who can maybe create a defence that he’s not a racist. in fact that’s so far away from being relevant that it’s almost meaningless. but for some reason it’s the only point you want to make. I don’t understand your motive. You accept that there’s hundreds of years of oppression; this incident has sparked a move to do something about that. But your reaction to that isn’t ‘well that’s justified’ it’s ‘maybe the cop wasn’t racist’. it’s bizarre.
Black,yellow,brown and white lives matter. Look, I’ve said my piece on the black lives matter movement, if you don’t agree that’s fair enough. I haven’t a problem with black or Asian crimes, I was pointing out that the racism card is used too often in society. People have a different point of view, they’re racist. This then makes society scared of investigating/reporting crimes for fear of being called a racist, which is the reason I made this point, as was the case the gang rapes in Rotherham/Rochdale/Huddesfield. I know that not all crimes are committed by black/Asian, that ludicrous. The crime I pointed out was gang rapes specifically by British Pakistanis. Don’t know what Jimmy Seville, Rolf Harris, & harried shipman have got to do with it. And if Ian Huntley was black, he would still just have been called a paedophile, to me anyway. Same as the others, no matter what skin colour.
Can you give any evidence that his skin colour wasn't the reason? It is much rarer for white people to be killed by the police in America than black.
Jimmy Savile was white from a working class background, why did the BBC and other large organisations feel unable to come forward to report? There were plenty of statements to investigate. Why did it take his death for the 'sensitive' matter to be reopened? Harold Shipman, middle class GP, again plenty of smoke but it wasn't investigated early on. Why? Both Savile and Shipman held positions of status and were white. Folk won't question their peers unless they absolutely have to. No one ever questioned a white GP, because ''he's our GP, ....family GP'. Savile raised money and awareness for charities. Man who came from nowt became a figure of authority, oh and he was white. '' he's one of us, ain't he done well for himself'' '' he's a bit strange that's all's'' Racism and sensitivities work both ways. We sometimes feel unable to see or report the truth. It's no one's fault, we're programmed to have selective bias', the educational system, media and advertising have pumped our heads full of it. Add to the list Cyril Smith and Peter Morrison. I'm sure there are others who only after their deaths were allegations investigated.
There's one thing I hate more than out and out racists. It is the ones that don't have the balls to admit they are because they are a bunch of cowards. They are worse than the fully paid up KKK or EDL members in my opinion. Small handful (one is too many) on here that fit into that category, and they stick out like a sore thumb.
Or we could stop the oppressors ? I think the oppressed would be more receptive to that than apologies .