Any one who has virgin T.V. Have a look at : My Shows: Sports: Suggestions: It's got a test match from 1984 England V West Indies, brilliant. just watched about 20 mins worth. A few names that bring it all flooding back, Geoffry Duegon(sorry for the spelling) just for starters. Give it a try.
Watched bits of the old (er) games funny remembering how a West Indian batsman ( and some others) could walk out to face the quicks of the time ‘naked ‘ but exuding the same confidence as today’s batsmen with theIr numerous levels of protection.
I went to Trent Bridge that season, one of the infamous blackwash series, I remember Malcolm Marshal batting one-handed and slogging it all over the place. What a team that was.
It was He was the keeper, along with Greenidge and Haynes opening and if you got those out there was the little matter of IVA Richards coming in oh and Clive Lloyd, and when you finally got to bat the small matter of facing Marshall Holding and Garner . Think it would be an understatement to say we didnt do very well in that series. Best test match side I've seen