Didn't take much of a Google to find a few articles about the stats, one above for your viewing. Not only that, but the response to protestors has been horrendous. Attacking press, firing rubber bullets at heads and plowing protestors with police vehicles. I'm sure you can find some footage of these so you can get a better understanding
I'm not aware of a single article or comment anywhere in the extensive coverage I've read where anyone has made George Floyd out to be a saint. Not one. How many times does this have to be explained. It's not his life that's the issue but the manner of his death.
Like I said, it’s showing a different perspective from an American women, I will certainly look at your Washington post piece.
I tried my best to meet you half way earlier. Seems like a waste of time. Here you are again undermining, deflecting, calling Black Lives Matter a "charade".
We will because despite all your claims that you're not racist you keep undermining them with statements that suggest you actually are. Or that, at least, you're prepared to snipe away at efforts to end racism at every turn. Again, no one on here or anywhere else has said George Floyd led a blameless life yet you start a thread to air "an alternative point of view". It seems your point of view is simply that the ending of his life was of no consequence.
Have you actually done any research into the background of Candace Owens? Have you actually looked at the drivel she's said over the years? She's basically a cross between Katie Hopkins, Adrian Durham and Piers Morgan. Ah sorry. You wrote about The BLM Charade. Please ignore my reply - I'll just go back to banging my head on the table.
How does that work? She’s a single voice, are her feelings morf relevant than tens of thousands of protesters? Is a minority view still a minority view or is this just a case of finding one dissenting voice to agree with?
Toby fair whitey I've been called racist by in the last week or so. Not once by mistake or anything but repeated and made clear he was serious. When that happens I will definitely be pointing out that I'm not racist. Mainly because I'm not.
You beat me to it mate; hired gobs with right wing opinions and vitriol come in all shapes sizes and from different ethnic backgrounds. Pontyrich seems to forget some people will do anything for money and attention. She's no better than a certain Mrs Hopkins, who 3 weeks ago was attacking teachers unions on behalf of her pay masters. Guess what? She an unqualified bigot got it wrong and trained teachers etc were right, there's a surprise. When he throws around his opinions on here are they truly his own? Because he sounds like Mr Farage on tv yesterday morning when he called BLM a terrorist communist group who are the new Taliban.
I’ll see your ‘racist’ ST and raise it with a ‘Nazi’ and recently a ‘stupid’ all from the same poster I believe. You’re right, folk shouldn't have to qualify an alternative view by offering that they’re not a racist when they post, unfortunately as per another thread it’s a word oft used incorrectly usually to stop someone in their tracks.
Are they really your views or Nigel's? He called BLM a charade and a terrorist communist group who are the new Taliban.
sadly for the same reason as things like politics on here some people who don't agree with a post will lob that one straight in?