Or Victoria Station? If your mind works in a certain direction then sadly everything is under scrutiny. We are tomorrow's history don't forget. One or two hundred years ago people were themselves making history and thought little of it. They lived for their present. We cannot delete history because it suits us now. It happened and can't be changed. We can accept that a lot of it was, with hindsight, wrong but we have built our lives based on what has gone before. We can't delete the Bible, the Norman invasion, Henry the Eighth, the Spanish Inquisition, the two world wars, etc etc but we can accept that they happened, learn from them and move on and not try to play the holier-than-thou card. He who is without sin .... (let him pull down the first statue)
There's always several sides to every story-especially on here! One person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist. Mandela rightfully fought the odious apartheid regime in South Africa, yet also sanctioned MK (ANC military wing) attacks on security forces which killed 19 of them. Unfortunately 52 innocent civilians were also killed during these attacks and car bombings. They were mostly black people, I wonder what their grieving relatives thought of Nelson Mandela? He also advocated cutting off the noses of black people who were deemed to be collaborators with the regime, or witnesses at ANC members trials, and his wife was a big advocate of the "necklace" It's not always a clear cut issue of who are the saints and who are the sinners is it? Best is to not erect statues at all, and to name every street after something innocuous
Do we demolish the collaseum in rome and all the roman settlements in britain,where does this end.All the countries in the world have history and thankfully we learn.But, and i am not racist one bit, history is history.The same thing has happened with comedy programmes over the years.
Fools and horses must be taken off our screens because Del lives in Mandela House which should be demolished.
History is something we all learn from. Whether it's good things, bad things or both depending on your view. So i believe that the street names and statues, buildings etc shouldn't all, necessarily be removed or renamed (some of course should). But there should be a recognition of what the history was either with plaques, museum locations for statues, explanations on street signs etc. Make it a more transparent learning opportunity. Rather than defacing, ripping down and destroying history, make it a symbol of something not to be tolerated or pivotal in how it influenced history.
Oh trust me I’m not saying he was a saint, I went to Cape Town at Christmas so it gave me chance to learn about him and apartheid etc. But there’s a lot of difference between him and the slave scum from Bristol.
Should stately homes be pulled down and turned into nature reserves and the contents of them be auctioned off?
Absolutely. Auction off the contents and use the proceeds for the NHS then turn the stately homes into accommodation for the homeless.
There are some beautiful buildings. I'd go along with them being used for good rather than being pulled down. Makes more sense what you put mate.
I read that this morning and its just a decision thats too stupid for words. Yes Its a film that depicts slavery in an unrealistic light - but in 1939 no one thought there was much wrong with the film. There is a huge leap from taking down a statue of a slave trader - and moving it to a museum to removing a film from view. It also plays into the hands of the racists as it will be used as propaganda to point out how bad it is to give in to this "politically correct rubbish" in much the same way as out Daily Heil picks up on the odd numpty who band christmas decorations in case it causes offence
I think you are getting the gist of my original post. Good. Then the deeper you look into it all the dafter it appears. I'd like to add as one of my historical items that had there been no slave trade there probably wouldn't have been black africans in the USA, therefore no black/white racism, no KKK, no Martin Luther King, no blues. History leaves us with some very peculiar consequences. You get my drift even if I'm being very simplistic in how I say it, or even if I'm saying it properly.
You can delete the bible. It’s just a story. *Although I may be made to repent that claim at a later date.
Barbary pirates took white slaves from all around Europe in the fifteenth century.Civilisation. has been built on slavery from the start of mankind .