There's loads of them appeared. Shouldn't be out protesting. Social distancing. Shouldn't be chucking statues in the river. That Anthony Joshua...he's a racist. All this rioting. I'm not responsible for slavery. Ooh look they've taken Little Britain off the telly. What about Corbyn. All of the above have merit for discussion but are being used for distraction. None of them alter the fact that there is an undeniable problem with racism and police brutality in America which is completely and utterly wrong. No equivocation. No "but what about". It's wrong. Full Stop.
Let’s not just say that it’s just a race and a police brutality problem in America. Because it isn’t. I do agree though the current whattaboutery is creating a race to the bottom.
Why are we talking about two issues in a singular sense? Police brutality is one issue Racism is another issue Both are abhorrent But they are two issues that need to have focus on both. You can disband every police force in the US today and restart them with the kindest most tolerant people in the world and black people will still be living in ghettos with limited opportunities. Or you can make every black guy in America a millionaire who never commits another crime and police will still be attacking, brutalising and killing the people they DO come into contact with. Two issues, two solutions. There isn't AN undeniable problem. There ARE undeniable problems. IT isn't just a race and police brutality problem. THEY are race and police brutality problems
Check this out ST, it is quite an interesting article on a book by Thomas Sowell. Some of his work is very interesting, even if one doesn't agree with him.
This article just about sums it up There is an issue with Police forces around the world recruiting brainless macho arseholes as we see at the policing at Oakwell - however in America criminals have guns. This needs sorting as much as anything However Police are 20 times more likely to be killed by a member of the population than the population are likely to be killed by the police - but no blue lives matter. The police will be zealous with those who look like criminals. Criminality is born out of poverty Black people are poor. (And this is not a racist thing either - or we would see Chinese lives matter, Indian lives matter, Korean lives matter, etc etc etc.) I remember only a couple of years ago a huge photo of all the victims of knife crime - It seemed 70% of the victims were black young men - folk argued knife crime was not a black issue - it was a poverty issue. Bravo. people have seen the light. I can tell you as a copper I would be a darn sight more careful with a black person than a white lad from Winchester - but that's not racism - it's common sense. Especially if you're 20 times more likely to be killed than kill.. 100% more white people are killed in the US than black people -- but as a proportion more blacks are killed than whites. But I bet if you draw the ven diagram differently poor people hit the sweet spot. The issue is a combination of police thuggery, recruitment of macho arseholes, gun availability and poverty. None of these are race related. Other than if you look like a criminal - you're probably better off not bad mouthing an arsehole with a gun.
I agree 100% that there is a problem with racism with certain police in America, however we are not Americans nor do we have a direct affiliation with America and I therefor have a problem with protesters in the country I live in helping to spread coronavirus which may ultimately kill a member of my family.
That’s always been my argument with people who don’t attempt to understand race. We are all the same and if you put white people in abject poverty with no opportunity and they would behave in exactly the same way. Poverty creates criminal behaviour not skin tone.
Great points. Poverty is the driver of crime not skin colour. What really grates on me is people saying "yeah but look at how many black people are killing other black peop!e." There's a lot of people who run down black lives matter who'd be singing a totally different tune if it was the white population that was hopelessly disadvantaged and living in poverty.