He's done eight tweets about the statue of Winston Churchill. As he says it's absurd it should be at risk of attack.
Stop calling him that, or Boris. He's not your mate. We're utterly insignificant to the cheating, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, proven serial liar. I wouldn't even call him the Prime Minister, because he isn't even close to being fit to hold that office.I'll stick with Johnson, or 'that ignorant cu.nt'.
Aye, choosing his tweets for easy digestion and probably the least controversial. What about how many people have actually been tested for Covid 19, and why haven’t we got this Track and tracing up and running up to the standard he promised by June 1st. He’d probably need to hide in a fridge or summert ifhe did. Bojo= Boflakes=#Toryerrorsdeniers
8 messages, 4th one stating about not removing any statues is just to cause further discussion away from Covid deaths etc. It's also diluting the message.
The trouble with that name is that many people will be confusing it with other members of the cabinet. To me he's Boris Gummidge, or Boris the Clown, or Pinnochio Boris, or indesit Boris, or Sunak's assistant.
Churchill was a very complex character. He was the leader during the war - Yes, good. He was Home Secretary for the Tonypandy riots and the Black and Tans in Ireland = very bad He was a massive racist who introduced concentrations camps in 3 countries (2 *after* the war), was anti-Semitic and was responsible for 3 million starving in Bengal = very, very bad.
realise that, not sticking up for Johnson or owt but he's having a go at another poster not the press, being as we are all for equality and stuff at the mo.
I like to call him florist. It’s not clever, funny or insulting but I’m that bored that I sniggered for 2 minutes and the name stuck in my head
Couple of flaws in this. People, on the whole, referred to him as Corbyn, especially on here. Maybe the odd JC. Secondly, despite a few flaws (some real, some fabricated), he was a genuinely principled, honest man, who fought for the underdog, the downtrodden. Now personally, and for very differing reasons, don’t think either of them are particularly suited for high office, but I certainly know who I’d trust to look after me, my family & friends and the people of Barnsley. Clue: it’s not Johnson.
With the unnecessary deaths of 60k people Johnson dog whistles a culture war to hide his own incompetence. Perhaps not coincidentally they have basically announced that the trial of the testing app was an abject failure and may abandon it after their mates have trousered the cash obviously. https://apple.news/Az4YEwKpcSaapPe7OSFan6A
This!!!! When something really really bad leaks he'll suddenly announce pubs are open. It'll be **** the science, **** the public, self preservation.
We may very well have signed peace terms with the Nazis had it not been for the influence of Churchill. I agree with Boris on this one and I'd guess so do the majority of the population. People may very well be doing things today that seem acceptable in todays society that in 70 yrs are seen as completely wrong. It's how humanity evolves. Whatever your views on Churchill, he is firmly part of this countries history. History can be used for celebration or indeed for learning about past mistakes. Slavery was even seen as acceptable hundreds of years ago probably to the majority of British people maybe sections of our own families, and now this country doesn't have the same view, we have evolved rightly so over the generations. What doesn't seem to have evolved though for some reason is mob rule and rioting when a group of people don't like something and they take the law into their own hands. Look at the statue in Bristol for instance, with some normal level headed people somehow trying to justify criminal damage on the back of a cause. Violence and mob rule should never be tolerated or justified