Of course I am not surprised - as soon as following science became inconvenient it was dropped. The sacrificing of an entire policy almost certainly leading to hundreds or even thousands more deaths to save the career of someone who deliberately broke it is something that would have been laughed at anytime in lifetime up to the last year or so
direct link missing out the apple news part https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...y-daily-briefing-downing-street-a9562741.html
So because the press insists on asking stupid irrelevant questions intended to score political points - which frankly the public are fed up to the back teeth with and wish beyond anything else that the "progressives" would shut the **** up and focus on real news - because of this the public were denied the opportunity to get advise from a medical expert. If the press could grow the **** up - and stick to why this lady was there - i.e. nursing points not Dominic fecking cummings then maybe a few more lives would be saved . Hows that for you?
I bet they wouldn’t have dropped her if she would’ve indicated she would’ve been in support of Cummins.
What the hell you on about. The story is quite plain and Relevant to the cover ups Boris not only agrees to. But to try and get the NHS advisers to agree with his stance. The mind boggles. Your turn.
She is a nurse. She shouldn't have been asked questions about Dominic effing Cummings on a platform with millions watching. I'm pretty certain as a nurse within the NHS what her thoughts would be. I was so pleased to see someone from the 'shop-floor' representing us but the press fcukd it up.
No she shouldn’t, but I still say she would’ve featured had they thought she’d answer in a way that supported Cummins
Was easy to respond as when 2 were asked the same question on a prior bulletin. . 1 “I’m not a politician” 2 “me neither.” Guess Boris wasn’t impressed.
It was in reference to recent events that if you didn’t agree with the majority you you were racist. As in the title of of the thread, don’t disagree or else. Haven’t even looked at the link. Couldn’t be arsed!!!
In your opinion of course, if you don’t look at links, and make comments that you do, don’t be too surprised if folk treat you with contempt.