The man taking a leak at the side of the memorial to PC K PALMER He’s been arrested (After Handing himself in .) on Suspicion of outraging public decency. Can’t see any charge other than urinating in a public place which attracts a fine. How do you prove outraging. The photo appears to be him doing it in the corner and not directly at the plaque. Which I’m pretty sure he’ll claim he hadn’t realised the plaque was there. ( if they had video evidence of the incident it would have been much clearer) If proven.( if they can as it’s suspicion at the mo) There is no maximum sentence. Hope they bang him away for a decent period not a slap on the wrist.
Cant they do him for behaviour likely to lead to a breach of the peace? the toe rag is beneath contempt but I think an unlimited prison sentence is a bit harsh when you dont get that for GBH to a living person
Sorry farnham. If I’ve misrepresented. There is no maximum sentence (According to what Ive read if charged on the suspicion.)Is what I meant to say. That’s why I followed up with something that is meaningful to the crime rather than a slap on the wrist.
It's a bit of a weird coincidence to urinate there surely by chance, should you be caught short. I think a clear public apology & maybe a fine, is really enough here. If he didn't apologise maybe a short custodial sentence. A lot of things are getting blown out of proportion & hatred is not a way to progress this.
£70 or whatever it is now, nothing else is provable unless he admits he know exactly what and where he was pissing. If he’s got anything about him which he might as he handed himself in he might apologise. That would be a fair outcome if indeed it was an accident.
You prove it by satisfying these points (mainly point 1). If the jury feel their decency as been outraged, then that should be it. you must carry out an act which is lewd, obscene or of disgusting character, which outrages minimum standards of public decency as assessed by the jury; the act must take place in a public place, or a place which is accessible to, or within view of, the public; the act must take place in the actual presence of two or more persons who are capable of seeing it – it is irrelevant whether these people actually saw the act or were outraged by it.
Looks like a bloke desperate for a p*ss to me. If he wanted to make a point he would have p*ssed on it, not next to it.
You are joking? Prisons will be full in a month if we jail folks for pissing in the street. Which is essentially all he's done. Fine him; Public apology - End of.
Entirely separate from this, but the amount of people I’ve seen in the last couple of weeks urinating or worse in public is about the same as I’ve seen for the rest of my life put together. Can people explain how closing public toilets is protecting public health, because it’s clearly, clearly doing the opposite.
Funny Just have to cross your legs if you 're a woman! Pugneys had their toilets open today, not that I needed them !!
Why did you omit the if proven part. Urinating in public yes. But that’s not the suspicion on the arrest. That’s all he’ll get anyway. If that’s all he’s done. That’s for the law to decide and I quite clearly stated if it’s proven to be he outraged public decency. Totally different. Remember the case of the drunken lad pissing on a war memorial. He was very lucky not to get a custodial sentence. Due to his contriteness. I too think looking at the photo. It will the lesser charge. Any decent solicitor and the fact that he reported himself in. Would definitely get him off if there is no more evidence. If he’s found out to have pissed on the plaque. As an act of disrespect. It’s a Jail term for me.
May I repeat he hadn’t been charged with anything. not last time I looked anyway. He’s been arrested on THE SUSPICION of Outraging public decency. NOT urinating in public. 2 totally different offences.
The idiot lives in the next village from us, to say there is outrage from a significant number of people would be accurate
He’s been in court & found guilty - 2 weeks custody (serve a week). His defence? I have alcohol issues & drank 16 pints the previous night so didn’t know what I was going (except coming down to protect statues with other “football lads”). Name is Andrew Banks & gave himself up after his dad confronted him.
Although I think his motive for being there wasn’t the best and his actions were deplorable but I do think the justice had been railroaded. I know everyone was outraged as was I but but I can’t think of any precedent that entailed a jail sentence . I’m worried that our justice system is being influenced by public opinion . Nothing wrong with public opinion changing sentences / attitudes etc but in the right way . I thought a hefty fine and Community service and public disgust was a fair judgement but I think on this occasion the judge has been influenced and he shouldn’t be imo .