Now that the Torys have had to do a u-turn because of public demand brought about by young Rashford, he will be a marked man by the right-wing Tory press he's made a mockery of this gang halfwits.
Get ready for this Sunday, nailed on the usual suspects will run a negative piece on him, about members of his family or friends. Prepare for the barrel to be scrapped big time, worse than Sterling treatment.
The thing to focus on here is that the government could afford to feed these kids all along - they just chose not to. What a set of ********. How anyone can vote for this bunch ever again will astound me.
Katie Hopkins has managed to unite Manchester over this. All after Marcus told her to **** off in reply to this horrible message.
It was a fake Rashford account that told her to **** off but I dont think he'd disagree with the sentiment!!
That thing needs locking up, she's a Nazi ghoul. She incites hate, doesn't provide any context to complex issues, sets fires and then walks away. She's having a go at Farage today for following her exact playbook.