How many other people will those people have infected though? Those few people could have infected someone who will go on to die.
Life has to start gradually getting back to normal. The alternative is the government get hold of 67 million Covid tests and don't allow anyone to leave their house until they take one that comes back negative.
If it’s 4 key players from one team the % doesn’t mean a lot. 0.001% of old people dying sounds irrelevant, but both of my parents dying is a small but devastating number.
Take the national stats today. 77 hospital deaths mentioned by NHS England for a UK total of 96. Those 77 are over the course of 21 different days. If we waited until zero infections and zero deaths then Football wouldn't be returning until a working vaccine was given to everyone.
The National stats aren't released yet - are they? Or at least the DHSC Twitter is just showing yesterdays as the latest (233 dead, 1279 positive tests) putting us as 7th worst in the world for new cases yesterday and 2nd for new announced deaths (although the UK will fall down the list as other countries are added) according to Yes, it is going down. Yes it is getting better (hopefully), but we are not yet out of the woods.
Of course it does but footballers going around touching each other should not be the first thing that comes back to normal.
Pubs, restaurants, cinemas etc are still shut and will only be re-opened with social distancing in place yet we have footballers running around laying their hands on others whilst consistently doing what footballers like to do: spit. Perhaps we'll even see the famous 'finger to nostril and snot blow' too. All this whilst everyone else adhere's to restrictions.
The alternative is that we all try to maintain social distancing as best we can for another month or so with the hope we will be down to zero deaths. So no we don't need 67 million tests .
Another thing to consider too is that every Tom, Dick or Harry who plays football down the park is back now they've seen professional football is back. Never mind that the professionals have tests and strict rules to follow, all the people who like a bit of a kick about thinks it gives them a free pass. I took the dog for a walk yesterday and in the field there was a group of 37 men there doing training. They all lined up and did the bleep test first, then they sat in 4 circles of 9 (plus coach walking about) and did stretches, did some dribbling around cones and passing etc. and then a couple of matches. A police helicoper was hovering overhead for about 30mins before we left and the coach said 'they won't be looking for people like us' and laughed. I don't know what he meant by 'people like us', groups of people not social distancing? I think they might.
The same can be said of 1,000 - 1,500 people that test positive every day. At least with these cases, if asymptomatic people are testing positive, they can now isolate when they would otherwise have not done, and limit some of the damage. I don't think the number of positive cases found in PL / EFL testing will affect the season resuming unless they identify a cluster of cases at a single club or game.
My point is rather about the complete and utter lack of social distancing whilst 99.99999999999999999999999% of the population must stick with it.
If you look at it from a personal perspective then yes but in the greater grand scheme of things.... It’s time that people started looking towards positive stats instead of constantly beating themselves up over negative connotations....
I seriously hope it stops all the spitting and snotting all over the place! it's one of those things that I can't stand, it's disgusting. Absolutely no need for it.
My point was re the football. 4 players isn’t a great number (d3k pointed out the percentage to make it look irrelevant) but to a squad of 22 if you’re more than 2 key players down it’s a massive problem. We don’t know the details and the 4 could be irrelevant- but what if it’s Mowatt, Chaplin, Woodrow and Brown? For the league it’s still 0.5% but for us it’s the season ended.