Just in time for the second wave if my testing contact is right! They said they were told to expect in upturn in numbers in August.
That's the problem they have in France, the bank holiday falls on the date and not the day. But they have lots of the buggers to compensate.
Brill innit. The fact that you're X times more likely to die if you catch the virus means you should take additional precautions (with government support) on 31st July, but on 1st August it doesn't matter anymore, despite nothing having changed. Except most likely the withdrawal of any support. Hugely irresponsible messaging.
When you look at the news from Beijing after 40 new cases and the steps taken by the Chinese government there and realise that we are reporting 30+x more each day...
Shielding isn't just going to end, it will be phased out. The start of that phasing out has already begun by allowing shielded to exercise outdoors etc., and will continue to be phased out over the coming weeks. However, each phase needs to begin on a certain date, even though you're absolutely right that nothing has really changed from one day to the next. But practically how else could you do it? It's no different to allowing groups of 6 to meet up outdoors from a certain date. Should they have said that its 2 on Monday, 3 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday etc.?
The few people I know who are isolating themselves because of other health problems are in no rush to go out and about. For some people covid-19 is life threatening.
Regarding how it's done, we'll see... I don't object to the policy change per se. The clinically extremely vulnerable (shielded) group is perhaps the hardest to develop a policy around, because lets face it until the virus is eradicated, those poor people are at much higher risk than the general population. Do they stay indoors until there's a vaccine? I don't think I could do that, and the evidence suggests 1/3 to1/2 who were advised to shield, haven't followed the guidance. And it is just that, guidance. My point is about weak or mixed messaging. These individuals have been identified due to their health conditions, and to my mind they should be told exactly how exposed that condition makes them to the virus, so that they can make their own judgement as to whether to follow the guidance. The blanket 'we've identified you as vulnerable' approach doesn't do that, and the way the latest 'relaxation' was handled confused things more. I also think that if an individual is at high risk from the virus and chooses to continue to 'shield' until transmission is virtually zero, then the government should continue to offer them the support they need to do so.
I think many of those most vulnerable are well aware of the dangers. Know a teacher who has diabetes - very high risk - who hasn't been put for weeks - she's very worried abut returning to school in September?? What they are wanting is support so they can continue to isolate themselves.
https://news.sky.com/story/coronavi...tion-for-about-a-year-says-drugmaker-12007789 Those shielding who want to stay shielding should be allowed to stay indoors until hopefully the vaccine becomes available September/October time. It shouldn't be a problem if they choose to not listen to the new government advice and want to stay at home longer. AstraZeneca reckon immunity will last about a year. That should be all it needs really because if everyone has one the virus will be gone so we won't need another jab 12 months on.
'Most' might be, but there are a sizeable minority who aren't. Whilst not universally true, there's a much higher likelihood that those with severe health issues are the least capable of understanding the guidance, which makes clear messaging all the more important. Can well understand why your teacher friend would be concerned, and agree that the support is essential.
That's the point, ending the shielding programme will cut off the essential support, and force those who want to stay home to protect themselves to expose themselves to higher risk.
There may well (praying) be no need to shield come August. My wife has been shielding but I had to work. I pretty much gave her covid (in fact I undoubtedly did as she never left the house nor allowed anyone in it). Thankfully and mightily luckily she had a mild case unlike me. Of course shielding is dependant on statistics and we are at this moment in time going in the right direction.