Some highlights from the above: A massive information campaign is set to warn the public about the “consequences of not taking action,” before moving to a new phase focusing on avoiding losses as a result of the post-Brexit disruption. Internal government data from October showed 61 percent of businesses had not even looked for information on how to prepare for a no-deal scenario. The government said the numbers showed “there must still be a large degree of complacency amongst businesses.” Brexit voters are “less likely to prepare as they don’t believe in any potential negative consequences of leaving.” The new approach will use behavioral science to make people feel they should act and make them feel capable of acting. It will use some nongovernment channels to convey messages because “people have a higher level of trust in third parties and peers than they do in government.” The campaign will run from July until possibly May 2022. It sounds like a big damage control exercise as people are not realising how crap Brexit is. It’s quite funny in a way that they went to huge expense and effort to convince people it was a good idea and as a result they’re now having to run a year and a half campaign to make people realise how damaging it’s going to be if they don’t take action to avoid losses.
Thank god football is back. I don’t really care in what form at the moment because as long as there is beer for sale somewhere and an opportunity to watch a football match then that for me represents my own personal rock to hide under whilst the rest of society eats itself !!
Let's face it, the ignorant ****s who pushed for this now have an infallible free pass when it inevitably goes tits up. Where once 'blame Labour' was the mantra lie that became their truth, now they have 'blame Covid-19' to hide behind. And of course, those that for some fu.cktangular reason this it's all a great idea, will lap it up.
But those sunlit uplands eh? Most damaging thing a country has done to itself since Zimbabwe confiscated the farms from the white settlers and gave them to the indigenous population who didn't know how to farm.
Won't get away with it that easy...even the stupid will look at Germany, France, Netherlands, etc and wonder why they are recovering as we slide towards third world status.
No the narrative will be that they shut us out in retaliation for us leaving- it will be their fault we didnt get a trade deal etc etc. and they will be vindictively applying tariffs in January when we are waving their goods straight in to the UK. and the majority of the stupid will go along with it. in this tribal politics we have created a large number of those who voted brexit will find any excuse to not claim they had been conned
I've been gradually starting to move money, investments, belongings and family members out of the UK for about a year now. Do you think that's the kind of thing they have in mind?
Brexit must look hilarious to people abroad. It's been a big part of my faith in ther British public being destroyed. What a shambles. As said above, nobody who voted or campaigned for it will ever admit what a bad decision it was. Too far down the path now for them to turn back. I'm excittedly waiting for our trade deal with the USA to be completed. Do you remember when the brexist campaign wanted to get us out of the TTIP? Well we've got a nasty surprise coming now that we don't have that collective bargaining power! Deal will enforce even worse food standards etc from the USA, but the brexit lot won't ever put 2 and 2 together.
God that's embarassing. This "world leading" route that Boris is going down at the minute is horrendous. It's right out of Trump's playbook - appeal to this ridiculous sense of British superiority that a bunch of his voters have got. Thing is, tehre's nothing to back it up or to suggest that this is world leading! Even more so with the track and trace, which is a disgrace.
Taking back control. From the politicians that have done a far better job of managing COVID, trade deals, negotiations etc.
Pity is the most common response I get. People here, whether French, Belgian, German, Dutch, whatever, can't believe we're doing this.