Pathetic response Fonzie. Educate myself just to conform with another point of view. No thanks, I am already very well educated, thanks for your concern though, I am perfectly happy with my point of view and don't try to force this onto others. As for your comment about me posting rhetoric, I think I posted a balanced point of view, certainly no rhetoric so get off your moral high horse.
If you continue to say ALL LIVES MATTER, I will continue to tell you to educate yourself. Hopefully you will understand it soon enough. I'll leave it there for now, because it's pointless to say anything else.
I agree with much of what you say - what I am saying is discriminatory - (Off the top of my head I can't think of any jobs where white people are under-represented.) The pre-requisite for short-listing candidates is that they meet the requirements of the job. I guess in many interviews there is probably little to choose between the one who got the job and the one who didn't. So if black people are under-represented in certain jobs and they are capable of doing those jobs you have to discriminate against white applicants. It's not ideal but positive discrimination may be the only way of supporting under-represented groups in the work place. Because if we don't support BAME people into areas where they feel marginalised and excluded what's the point of supporting the BLM movement and 'taking the knee?'
Already explained it was the sentiment behind it but you ignored that and just concentrated on the wider context, so yeah leave it there as I'm sure you'll understand that soon enough (hopefully). It's pointless to say anything else.
I've read the drivel you've 'explained' thank you very much. And as I've said, it's pointless to say anything else. I presume you'll want to have the last word though, so I await your intelligent response with baited breath - although I won't be reply because it's a waste of my time.
Direct your hate somewhere else Fonzie. You just try and shout people down on this forum for having a different viewpoint from you. We do not all have to comply with your little world. I'm perfectly happy that you have your own opinion, but everything in life has different angles. Just to even describe someone elses viewpoint as 'drivel' really shows your true diversity. As for your comment about me wanting to get the last comment in.. Grow up, this is a forum for debate, not your own little playground where you act as bully trying to shut people down.
I understand where you’re coming from RT but I can’t accept that there’s anything positive about discrimination. It’s often me doing the recruiting at work and we usually don’t have an issue in choosing between them to be honest. There’s always something that will give one candidate the edge over another, and it should never be the colour of their skin. Accept that I’m a minority though because positive discrimination is happening and will only become more prevalent in light of BLM and companies wanting to be seen as inclusive.
Yes & Gareth Southgate is heavily involved in that program as he is an ardent supporter of resolving the issue.
nar then you loon,you said ' Black players are seen as athletes who are physically gifted but mentally lacking.' you said that,not me,not anyone else .
Tbf @MDG even those that stated all lives matter on this board have accepted why it's black lives matter at this particular moment in time.
The problem is what do you do if things just never seem to change? It's been illegal to discriminate against black people in employment for decades, yet they remain massively under-represented in many areas. I'm not sure of the right way forward but I think there's got to be a question asked if we say 'we give it to the RIGHT PERSON' but the right person continues to be disproportionately likely to be a white man. As for All Lives Matter I'm sorry but it's a sign of lacking a willingness to understand or lacking an ability to understand. Everyone who supports Black Lives Matter (well 99% of them anyway) would agree that all lives matter. What they're saying is white lives already matter, because blacks are treated unfairly in comparison. If you disagree with that fact then that's your lookout but it's why you can't 'dismiss' BLM by saying it should be ALM.
Also I asked my son if he'd take the knee if they did it for his football matches and his response was "why wouldn't I? " Life is full of change hopefully for the better in regards to this.I've been encouraged by the younger end of our electorate on this issue.
"Hasn't bothered to "sounds very dismissive. We know some black players have done their badges as their careers ended.