Absolutely not. It had been around for years before that. Media stories attribute its singing at matches to this - and it may well be true - but it had been sung at club level for ages. I learned it with accompanying gestures in the 70s.
https://www.skysports.com/rugby-uni...not-sit-easy-as-rfu-review-england-rugby-song Another perspective.
(with apologies for bringing yet more Taff-ness on this site) Google/Wikipedia the Taff Rugby 'Anthem' - 'SOSPAN FACH' - scroll down to 'English Translation' ---- guess it would beat the English 'Anthem' for strangeness. (For a start 'Sospan Fach' means 'Little Saucepan!')
Although the virtual classroom app in use in most universities is called Blackboard and no one complains.
As long as you are willing to be educated, I don’t see what the problem is. Why would you worry if someone was to point out what you said was wrong, surely you’d read up about it, apologise whilst making clear you never meant it in that way and not say it again? That’s not anything to stress about unless you struggle to apologise or are unwilling to change.
I must admit I'm really struggling now with this . I'll admit to me it's just a song but after a little light research I did uncover this from wiki ..... In 1939, Nazi Germany's Reich Music Examination Office added the song to a listing of "undesired and harmful" musical works.[6] A slippery slope indeed .....
Sorry but I'm gonna end up less sympathetic towards everything because sick to back teeth of having it rammed down my throat when 99% of this so called racism is ******** yeah sure there are people who really are racist but the vast majority simply are not its becoming a total joke
If you read the article I linked it was a black person who didn't know the origins, then felt uncomfortable singing it when she did. A very different scenario.
I confess to having a juvenile part of my brain stuck with chuckle points. Whenever they introduce our crap-app queen Dido Harding I'm immediately into "one black one one white one". There are a few others. And I cannot take any man called Toby seriously, no matter how hard I try. I will meet one who will kill me one day, although I will already be creased up on the floor in deathly titters.
I did read it Helen . Pretty badly written piece in my opinion but I think it's too late anyway . Something benign and innocent has overnight been turned into a point of conflict , or a magnet to racists . It's a shame we don't have a Nelson Mandela type of person ( a de escalator ) in our ranks , a statesman . I'm sure the song was sung at the 95 rugby world cup but someone of Nelson's stature was far more astute to see it for what it was .
Maybe we all can reclaim the anthem for everyone. The current England rugby team is what it is because we have amazing black players. We'd be garbage without them. The entire team is from different backgrounds and places of birth. It's what we should celebrate. I wish English cricket was more representative. During the 70s, 80s and 90s our local leagues had amazing players from Asian and Afro-caribbean backgrounds. Never called up by Counties due to racist old boys network. Now leagues are much weaker due to folk not playing. I'm 100% sure if players were chosen on merit the Yorkshire team in 90s would have had maybe 2 or 3 white players. Craig White, Darren Gough and either Lehmann or Bevan.
What Rugby needs is a Three Lions moment, Most Rugby songs are orientated in a demeaning way it’s the old Etonian thing of pigs heads and trashing restaurants etc . Get someone working on a Three Lions type song/chant that everyone can get behind imo .