Admin do nothing regarding racism from my own experience, so I wouldn't hold my breath regarding this to be honest.
We have hundred of messages on racism and related subjects - yet no one takes the positive view that someone from the BAME group should be encouraged/supported to join as their perspective may be important. For me what is interesting about this thread is that no one has actually come out and supported the idea of having people from a BAME background as members or Administrators on this site. Passive racism ???
Do you know the race of everyone... or even anyone on here. I don’t care about the race or background of anyone on here, as do, I’m guessing anyone else. One of the administrators said that they would support it, you must have missed it.
where did members come from? that’s not what you said. if you want to admit you are making a point that doesn’t need making do so but don’t change your point half way through when that’s pointed out to you
I feel stupid because I've only just realised that Red taff is the professionally offended dustani. Homosexuals Disabled BAME Anyone else he wants to get offended for on behalf of?
If I’ve understood you right . Then every thread would be nipped in the bud. Some sites monitor threads before they’re allowed to be posted. I find most of the time they allow proper debate to develop. Do I sometimes have concerns when things get overheated and some posters get overly abusive. absolutely. But to shut a thread down when others are debating quite reasonably No. The abusers win. Maybe if it’s possible to remove abusive or otherwise, posters temporarily. I Would welcome It until they come to their senses. That’s down to the rest of us ( me included.) to step in between to try and calm a situation down until admin are in the room so to speak and can step in.
Sorry mate but that’s not true You’ve gone on another tangent. Nobody had any need to support your original statement, Passive racism my arse. For all I know 95% of the members are BAME ( I know the other 5% personally) . I and everyone else to my knowledge would support/welcome all Colours. Creed. Sexuality. To the group, to suggest otherwise is bonkers.
I never click on wi owt like that. I never even remember who I like or dislike. Lol. Can’t hold grudges cos I wouldn’t remember who it was against. Red taff/Dragon tyke Pompey red/Portsmouth tyke/red Donny red/Donny-red Dunt help. Lol.
If there are posts that are brought to our attention we'll deal with them. We won't read every thread. Havent got the time frankly. If there's a problem submit a report and it can be dealt with (if it's deemed to be an issue).