Has commented on barnsley fc facebook page from yesterday's post about taking a knee for BLM he described some of the comments on there as heartbreaking. Shame a legend of the club and someone who has done so much for town and community feels the need to reply because of uneducated comments.
It's not surprising really is it - some of the people commenting on that thread will probably be the All Lives Matter idiots on here. It's sad.
Barnsley FC pages on Facebook be it the official site, the chronicle, news and now pages all have a very high percentage of idiots. BLM and taking the knee has given them the chance to show that selves as such. It’s a sad indictment of some of our fans.
Yeah I agree I just think it's sad to see, loved watching bruce dyer in the Bassett season and he has sort of adopted the town and done so much for the community. Our fans pissed of odour last week dyer this week who's next Clint marcelle
The comments read like a list of IQ test results. I am sure there will be a few thick fcuckers on here that have contributed to it, having read the BBS this past few months. You know who you are and should be ashamed of yourselves. Cowards.
He's such a lovely bloke and does so much for the community. Unlike those who write the negative comments no doubt. I must admit I got a bit tearful when Ian Wright was getting so enthusiastic about it at the start of bbc 1s coverage last night. As I've said before, I can't understand why you wouldn't want to show support in this way.
Pretty much what I replied on one of the posts on there this morning. Baffles me why people are getting so pent up about it as a gesture of support and solidarity
So, so many of our fans are ill-informed. I just don't understand how they can't see that LITERALLY NO-ONE has denied that every life matters - but black lives require a little bit more attention than others at this particular point in time because of injustices and atrocities suffered over hundreds of years right up to today. There are either a lot of idiots or a lot of racists in our ranks and I sincerely hope it's the former, who should be easier to educate than the latter.
For anyone not on Facebook this is what he wrote I love BFC , the town and the community of barnsley, I put a shift in I would like to think whilst at BFC and I would like to think I done the club proud . I took pay cuts out of my love for barnsley, I turned down lots off golden opportunities ( facts ) to stay and serve the community of Barnsley . All out of nothing but love for the club and the people ( special club and special people ) I have never had no agenda apart from to try and show Gods love and serve the community of barnsley with nothing but love . Some of the comments on this post are heart breaking and so disappointing . Some of comments again just reaffirm the reasons why ENOUGH is ENOUGH and the issue of racism NEEDS to be addressed even in 2020 I actually did a Facebook live last week to try and help people understand why you are seeing #BlackLivesMatter The information on the video is 100% FACTS You will never hear people #BLM say all lives don’t matter, hence the reason you are seeing all cultures posting #BLM and supporting the protesting and making a STAND for JUSTICE . And yes there are some idiots who are spoiling it by looting and are just evil people just like you have football fans who give some clubs a bad reputation because of there scandalous behavior of a few ( you will always get a few ) Facts is facts and the facts are through history black people have faced so much injustice and suffered so much . I honestly have to say until the recent episodes I didn’t realize the depth of this until some facts and historical information was presented to me and it’s really sad and heart breaking. If you have the time take a moment to watch the Facebook live ( link posted ) I hope this is ok @Barnsley FC if not just delete this comment. I couldn’t not leave a comment after seeing some of the comments
It’s sad. I typed a response & then deleted it because I can’t be arsed rowing with people. I just can’t understand how thick people can be. How can you compare it to Lee Rigby or reel off George Floyd’s criminal record as if it’s all about him. I thought our racist fans were a minority but with Cavare & Thiam, Oduor & now this I think it’s looking like we’ve got a problem
I've just had a read of some of those comments and I really don't get it. One posts a picture of someone firing a gun and says 'the only way to kneel' with a caption of 'for those taking a knee this is the correct position' Another says 'no kneed to kneel to a criminal' (regardless of the pathetic point of his post I genuinely don't know if he meant to make a clever pun there or if he's just thick) One says "kneel in support and solidarity for a Hamas / Muslim Brotherhood affiliated mob?" The list goes on. Quite a few say they won't take a knee because all lives matter. I've made it clear that I don't think the slogan of black lives matter is helpful because it gives a false reason for police brutality. (ie it says police brutality is a racist problem and if somehow racism was to magically disappear completely tomorrow then black people would no longer suffer police brutality. That's not the case) so yes I've said I think that using that phrase as a response when police brutalise or kill a black man is harmful if you ignore the killings and brutalisation of all the other races at the hands of the sake police. BUT while I can have that opinion I can still have the opinion that racism is absolutely disgusting. That it has to end. That everyone has to be treated as equal and that we need to give more funding to areas with underprivileged children (who due to historic oppression are largely black especially in America). We need to give them a future, treat them equally and make sure they know through our actions that their skin colour will NOT hold them back. We will not make assumptions about them because of their skin colour, their accent or their name. Make sure they know that we are all appalled by slavery and that we are not our ancestors and we are not to blame for what happened but we can assure them that it's something that will never happen again. Show them love and give reassurance that despite the colour of OUR skin we have absolutely nothing in common with a slave driver from 400 years ago. We can also campaign against police brutality. Drive those who commit such atrocities out of the police force and hold not only those who commit the crimes to account but also those who facilitate it, those who cover it up and allow it to go unchecked. Anyway I've gone off on a tangent. My point is you can have that view which I know quite a few have and that doesn't make those people racist at all. You can have that view 100% but having that view doesn't mean you can't take a knee. Taking a knee doesn't mean you agree with the wording of the phrase. It doesn't mean three words. It means showing solidarity. It means you kneel WITH black people (big key part here is its with not to. They aren't asking us to kiss their feet as I've seen mentioned). You kneel with them and say brother or sister I agree with you, we need to end racism. You kneel with them and say I, like you, hate racism. You kneel for two things. One is to say you hate racism. The other is you are kneeling to say you will not STAND for police brutality any longer. Black, white or any other race is not important. You are kneeling and saying police brutality must end. Two causes, one action. End racism, end police brutality. Regardless of anyone's view in the words black lives matter the ONLY people who will have a problem with the action of taking a knee to end racism and to end police brutality are racists. Seperate the words from the causes and how can any none racist honestly have a problem with wanting to end racism? How can any right minded person have a problem with wanting to end police brutality? If anyone reads this and says they don't have a problem with ending either then you also shouldn't have a problem with kneeling WITH other like minded people so stop hiding behind saying it's kneeling for George floyd, it isn't. Stop saying you only kneel to the queen, this is with not to. Stop coming up with excuses and start spreading a sense of togetherness.
It's sickening to think that people with these views are gonna breed and bring more racist turds into society. This isn't just round here though. It's from the top down to the bottom since $h1t flows downwards. The past of Britain and USA has a long root of racism that is rotten. This rot doesn't start from the bottom, it's from the top and from the people with the power to make these changes.
This is the bit people really seem to not understand. You're not kneeling to them, they're not all standing up and asking white people to kneel whilst black people stand over them. Black people are kneeling too (in fact they were kneeling first), white people can kneel next to them and say I support you in your cause, I want to help and not make it about me so I will participate in your mode of protest to show that you are not alone. You are literally doing the same action next to them and with them, if it was you kneeling to them (which it isn't) then they are clearly kneeling right back to you anyway so it would be a sign of mutual respect.