I never knew malaria was still as big a killer. Sad times when there’s an effective drug to prevent it.
having served in the far east trust me the little b@stards always find away in and even with repellent they get you like the souls of your feet or your nutsack
In some countries lots of toddlers die as they are unattended whilst the dad is working and mum and siblings are doing domestic chores. The RNLI spend money on swimming lessons (plus full coverage swimsuits so women can learn too) and crèches for the little kids so they are safe during the day. Some people then predictably tried to get everyone to stop donating to them once they found out that a small percentage of the money was going to help prevent deaths overseas. Probably the same people who like to go around saying all lives matter.
Lol RLNI ! Sorry I'm being flippant, you are right about people moaning about a small proportion going overseas. So much can be done with relatively little money if the will is there.
Guessing that's because that graph doesn't include the biggest killers like heart disease, Cancers, strokes, other respiratory diseases, lower respiratory diseases and neonatal deaths. It appears to be a graph of things aren't as deadly as Covid. Which is interesting and shows how awful a new disease can be and the number will obviously rise further. It doesn't however provide a wider view to put it into context.