Daft am I? Erm, I’d say BLMUK aren’t ‘almost nobody’. BLMUKs words and stance as ‘read’, not mine fella...
Never said the perpetrators weren't racist unless you can bump my said post ? Do I think he is probably racist, absolutely, never said the banner wasnt racist either, I pointed out NFA by Lans police, if they deemed it racist he would have been charged, wouldn't he ? What Agenda ?
But basically it's looking at the way the police are trained, policies etc towards black communities. Abolition of the police isnt the primary aim.
I appreciate your stance trying to defend their statements but that’s your opinion based on the way they’ve laid out their aims. The fact is BLMUK have been clever with their message here to lead that train of thought. The bottom line is the abolishment of the police is hidden in plain site in their aims and that particular paragraph I’ve underlined specifically aims to abolish the police in this country alarmingly. The fact that this is an aim at all should discredit BLMUKs existence somewhat imho. This is a dangerous organisation just as the far right extremists in this country are so my stance, again FWIW is please do not be fooled by this extremist movement either.
What have I said that was racist? All haircuts matter? I think you may be a closet racist, you hide behind sarcasm but there is clearly some racist undertones to even think the things you then spout on here.
I'm not fooled by them nor am I fooled by those people picking on the one statement to discredit them. It's an ideal, if we all behaved ourselves there would be no need for a police force just like if we had no wars there is no need for an army.
There is no ‘head of BLM’ it’s not an organisation or a charity or anything like that. It’s a movement and you can bet that everyone that’s part of it will have a different opinion of what the solution is
I’m not picking on anything RH. As they say, the devils in the detail. I reiterate, these are their words. Just because you seemingly choose to wash over/ignore part of their message that is dangerous is not of my doing or my thinking, but yours, we all have opinions after all. I take it you agree though that by wanting to abolish the police you can hopefully see that BLMUK are a subversive and dangerous extremist group no? Just like far right extremism in this country which is equally deplorable imho.
NOBODY is going to abolish the police. You know it. I know it. You will literally do anything to deflect from the rights of black people to equality. Again and again on this forum you undermine anything that conflicts with your "I'm alright jack, f''k you" philosophy. There's one or two conservatives on here who are sensible and can be sensibly debated with. In the case of the current topic I'd ask them to have a look at who their fellow travellers are. That would be people like you and nudger etc. Your stance on this is completely unacceptable in the eyes of the majority. You can isolate one line from BLMUk if you like. I'd equally argue against it. What I won't do is to repeatedly deny their claim to equal rights. There's not one person on here who's advocated abolishing the police. There are people like you though who are quite happy with racism and police brutality to continue. You're going to say that's not true but everything you do on this forum proves it to be a lie really doesn't it?
I find it amazing in a good way that so many people are talking about BLM, it really is a great thing. Talk, learn, engage and improve. There must be a better way to be. If you find you have a problem with it then there really are no words, im glad the internet gives those that wish the chance to tell us so however, we wont ever change their minds unless they are willing to do so themselves. thats a very sad thought.
I have a problem with extremist movements in this country masquerading as legitimate causes fella. Stirring up racial issue and arguments when in reality the issues weren’t really there to begin with in any great part in this country imho. Via the poisonous conduit of the British media, BLMUK are just that imho, just like diabolical far right extremist movements like the EDL for example. If BLM really want change, they should do it intelligently, through government, with reasonable, inclusive aims and ideals. Abolishment of the police force is certainly not any of those.