Good post mainly. But if any white person feels "threatened" by BLM, then that doesn't sit right with me.
What you don't believe they do or you don't believe they have reason to. It's the same as say an elderly couple say in Dewsbury lived in the same terraced house all their married lives now over several years their community as changed and alot of South Asian people have moved in and they feel rightly or wrongly their community as changed and they can't do anything about it and they're intimidated by it. Now you could dismiss them as just old racists or you could maybe try to see the situation from their point of view and it's the same with the BLM movement some people are intimidated by it not because they don't want black people to be treated equally but because rightly or wrongly they believe they won't be and people just throwing the R word about just enforces the fear and like I said for the situation to be improved for everybody it will take everybody to move forward together.
Every one is a racist or they don't agree with you,what about the Man City players giving the knee even though their wages are paid by the biggest abusers of human rights in the world,Arab Emirates
Thing is a lot of white working class people feel the left namely the Labour party have deserted them and are now a party for the immigrant ( before anybody jumps on me again I don't I'm a labour voter) Emily Thornberry's snide comment about that house on a council estate decorated in St George's cross flags did a lot if damage because rightly or wrongly it was seen as an attack by a senior labour figure on the English Identity and to be honest would she have made the same snide comment about a house decked out in Pakistani or Jamaican national flags. I don't know the answer either but what I do know is the Labour party needs to do a lot of work to show white working class people that they will listen to their concerns too and not just dismiss them as racists.
That's why I do not think footballer should be promoting it. What exactly is "it", footballers looked pretty stupid saluting Hitler in hindsight. We never learn from history - to me BLM is a political organisation, it should not be promoted, unless the aims and objectives have been clearly spelt out. The worse performing children in school? Well the best performing are Hindu Indians and Chinese, how racist exactly is Britain? People travel half way around the world, and then travel through "free" democracies of Europe to come to England on a Rubber dingy, they must have missed the massive racist society we have here, someone should give them a flyer in Calais to warn them.
I’m a white working class bloke who’s been known to wear clothing with an England flag. the only people who were upset by that episode are the ones who should be. When someone points at a flag of St George and shouts ‘racist’, I don’t get upset in the slightest. The Labour Party has plenty of very real problems, but upsetting racists isn’t one of them. it’s quite possible (indeed common) to both love your country and believe that we should help those less fortunate even if they’re from abroad.
So we should never take in asylum seekers then? No one is doing anything other than showing support for their black colleagues when they are taking the knee TOGETHER! Totally different to saluting a political leader like Hitler.
That’s a complex one, and most of them have stayed in Europe. Don’t fall for the trope that all refugees cross thousands of miles of Europe just to come here. It’s not true and repeating it is plain daft.
I think there's way too much looking at America, because the speak the same language, as thought we are somehow the same, we are definitely not the same, they are allowed to carry guns in some states openly. Its just a ridiculous comparison, everyones 'elected' but its just a huge mess that they've never reconciled with their passed. People gathering on mass both here and there, for whatever reason is extremely irresponsible, yet I don't doubt those shaking their heads and moaning about people going shopping or to the pub are the same ones who didn't see anything wrong with thousands gathering on mass because apparently COVID-19 is woke, and it will be ok.
I don’t even know where to start. If you see The Sun as ‘leftie’, you’re further right than even I had you down as. It’s a right to far-right Tory propaganda outlet, with a well known, publicly accepted and blatantly obvious right-wing bias. The fact you don’t know or can’t (won’t?) see that is to be honest a little bit indicative of your thoughts on such matters generally.
Martin Luther king said there were 3 evils in the world . Racism , poverty and war . For any " movement " to only include only 1 of three is flawed . He also said beware the white moderate . Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."
I just think, its interesting that any hint footballers show of a political nature on a football pitch they get banned and fined, BLM - what does it want? You tell me, I've heard its objectives include the overthrow of Capitalism, nothing wrong with that, you're allowed to believe whatever you want, but it shouldn't be promoted by footballer; are we supporting BLM globally? Are we supporting something just in the UK? Can anyone honestly say what they are taking the knee for? I was always taught to question everything, and that would include BLM, to simply embrace something as "right" because it seems to be that way isn't really good enough, I think its too fraught with identity politics and the old "right", "left" dichotomy for this kind of forum for much of a sensible debate, but anyway I stand by my values - question everything.
Oh good. The ********, completely unproven rubber dingy refugee argument. If it was true. We should be welcoming them. There’s an olympics next year