And you’re the good ex police? No wonder folk from Yorkshire don’t trust the police - the right wing police - going to beat the sht out of you right on ponces, left wing police - oh I’m also up for fisty cuffs, Christ sake coppers, put down the dukes.
I wasn't trying to "win" I was trying to explain people's genuine fears and why they held them having spoken to them over 10 years. You may scoff and see it as nothing more than racism but that's the issue you dismiss peoples fears without even trying to understand them, you quite clearly see the BLM issue for what it is a genuinely held grievance caused by unjust treatment but fail to see how any white person living in an area that's changed beyond recognition could feel threatened by that change and the speed it's happened and may just feel resentful because they feel they weren't consulted and don't have a voice. Like I said in an earlier post I want to live in a country where ALL people feel safe and can prosper but for that ALL people's fears and grievances need to be recognised and addressed to carry them forward too. You may not feel that way you might embrace change but that doesn't give you the right to sneer and belittle those that can't because the sneering attitude is what drives people to start to listen to the Farage and Robinson's of the world. It's why the red wall started to develop cracks that led to lost seats at the GE.
She has championed immigration laws which would have prevented her parents from immigrating to this country, so it's absolutely fair to call her a ladder pulling establishment arsehole.
Didn’t they come over on some special deal? That deal being let’s not Idi amin murder all the non black people? It’s another awkward part of her story, Ugandans, who can’t be racist right? we’re going to kill them.
This is the kind of revisionist crap that does your argument no favours, they fled Uganda because the racists of Amins’ junta were going to kill them for not being of their race. Do you get that?
Revisionist crap? Calm down, I just meant that my understanding was that they immigrated in the 1960s, before Idi Amin came to power and started expelling Asian Ugandans.
Why are you being so weirdly aggressive? As I understand the following are true: 1. The persecution and expulsion of Ugandan Asians was a policy instituted by Idi Amin. 2. Idi Amin took power in 1971. 3. Priti Patel's parents emigrated from Uganda in the 1960s. If any of the above are incorrect then fair enough and I'll happily be corrected. But if the above points are true then it's not at all analogous to Jews in 1936. Also I don't understand why you're so eager to draw parallels between everything and 1930s Germany. You've already compared taking a knee to saluting Hitler.