Have you got to post every day to get a reply? Have you got to be a recognised name to get a reply? Have you got to be a Nudger to get a reply? I like reading this forum but some people get ignored a lot if there not in the BBS click
Whats up has sweep fcukked you off? You weren’t saying that when you were whispering to each other so no one could hear, like a pair of tw4ts were you?
Always freaked me out as a kid. Sooty was a mute, Sweep could only squeak but how the f3ck could Sue talk
Don't be daft. This is a very nice place, full of friendly folk*. They even take in stray goats. * unless you mention Brexit, Corbyn, Johnson**, Thatcher, Cummings, the NHS, the council, Keith Hill, the BFC recruitment plan, January 2017, or Nudger's Bridge. ** Boris or Lee, either one will do it.
Cliques...lol...no way... Mind you il get back to you when I've spoke with the lads to see if I'm in order talking with you.. Lol ... But then again....thinking about it Quite a few on here have been previously...er. Outed...lol...if thats what you mean by cliques .. 95% by their own admission mind ... Lol. They might claim not to be gay but their boy friends certainly are.... Lol Ooooooh I say matron..... Application request..alert. For the gentlemens club.... Detected.... Lol....
Firsty - you have to say something of interest to get a reply. If this is your first attempt then may I say it’s been a rather pathetic first throw of the dice. Secondly - to be classified in the same bracket as me sweetie you have to have certain attributes that are rarely seen. Not only do you need to think independently and shun all temptation to follow the fluffy warm route taken by the herd - but also you have to have thick skin to briskly brush off the threats and abuse. Good luck in trying to emulate that. A struggle of hardship and solitude.