Fekin poor very poor Luton displaying all the signs of why Reading scored five final ball from us was amateurish . Cauley could have come off a lot earlier but his eventual replacement could have stayed on the bench .
I see you are all savaging a player who came on in the 83rd minute, and played a bad pass. There were lots of very poor performances and dozens of tripe passes from all the other players on that pitch in the previous 83 minutes. Still...nowt like having a new Tom Kennedy is there?
Not just tonight though is it? The lad offers nothing and is on a fair old contract with us. He needs moving on ASAP.
No it's not, and I have no intention of, however Schmidt has only ever been a bit part player however good or bad. Save your gunpowder for where it should be aimed
Very poor pass. However, that’s what you get when a player has very little match time. Just a fact of life. Even the best players are rusty if they spend that much time on the bench. Can’t be any worse than Mowatt’s free kicks and corners this season! LOL.