The CEO seems quite confident of when the lower leagues will be back and hopefully wit has fans....
Initially if they ban away support and only let season ticket holders in , unitise the North stand for home supporters we could have plenty of space to social distance , may encourage the odd waverer to buy a season ticket . I know there’s other considerations but it’s not beyond the powers that be to sort things out . Have a controlled entry and exit so not everyone is congregating round the stairs at the same time
So suddenly its going to be ok for fans to attend.Then why have we been playing behind closed doors and leagues 1 and 2 cancelled.
I imagine because the virus is less prevalent and chances of transmission outdoors is less. We’ve seen a lot of public gatherings outdoors during the BLM protests but I’ve not heard any reports of infection spikes.
I don't think there will be a second spike if people wash their hands and don't go round sharing their cough or sneeze with the rest of the bus,train, supermarket, waiting area etc like they used to.
Good to hear, could be important for us! As someone above said, opening up the North Stand would be good. Might be able to spread the fans around nicely - 10,000 fans around a 23,000 seater stadium, should be doable? Who knows what the government will rule on it though. I can see away fans being banned - seems like a big covid risk to have thousands of fans travelling the country every saturday
I sense I may be criticised for not being a real supporter etc but here goes anyway. I'm one of the 7,000 and my son is another. I purchased primarily because a) I wanted to ensure the continued existence of the club and b) because he said that he enjoys the time we spend together. But I think it's very likely that we'll pick and choose matches and won't be there every match. This season the time we spend together has sometimes actually been spoiled by the frustration surrounding the match itself - something I thought I'd never feel. If other ST holders feel the same then 7,000 ST sales may be a misleading number.
It just goes South once you leave the pub. Then you have the Jumble Lane crossing debacle. Why didn't they just leave it as it was? It is too early to mention Football allowing fans back in time for the start of next season. But with you soon able to be in a gym surrounded by sweaty people panting or in a public swimming pool with whatever is in there, I do not see why fans in 7 weeks time cannot all go back unrestricted.