When you type a post next to the post reply button there is an upload a file one. Click that and then find wherever you have saved your photo. When it uploads click to insert the full image.
Thanks JD. Took a photo of little Henry when he got back from the groomers. Let's see if I've followed you're advice correctly.
Aw bless him! He's gorgeous. If you want the pic to be bigger, click on edit and then click on full image rather than attachment (attachment is standard when posting, you have to change it if you want the full image instead).
We had to give her back yesterday the house feels to empty without her! They’ve started training back up but decided to withdraw Lydia (and two others) from the programme as she really likes routines and gets a bit sad/worried when things change from what she’s expecting. She’s gone back to live permanently with her original puppy walkers (who had her for the first 12 months) so she’ll love that! The puppy walkers always get first refusal but we couldn’t have kept her anyway when we went back to work. Here she is on one of her last free runs.
Aww that must be hard - we used to dog sit for a friend and have their dog for either a weekend or a full week and the house was always empty once he had gone - Having had a dog for 4 months I dont think I would want to give it back. I could never be a guide dog puppy walker I just would never want to give them back
Yes, lots of tears have been shed! It would have been 5 months today instead of the original 10 weeks (we originally thought it was supposed to be 12 but that's the Early group, not Advanced). Also, having her full time instead of just evenings and weekends meant we bonded a lot more too. I'm very glad we had her though, she was wonderful! Unfortunately, they've said it might be a few months before we get another one as there's not as much movement at the moment as everything has been delayed due to all training stopping for 3 months. They told us to keep all the toys, lead and massive bag of unopened food though so that all looks positive for getting another.
We have our next visitor confirmed already! She’ll only be here a week whilst her normal boarders are on holiday but we’ll be looking after this cutie from 31st July - Bobbie.
As beautiful a blonde as you could wish to see. I'm full of admiration of your good self and your hubby.
As we’ve had a lot of posts about dogs today, it seems appropriate to post a picture of Kassie who arrived this morning. She is 3 years old and is a fully qualified, working guide dog who is between owners at the moment so we’ll be looking after her until she gets placed permanently with someone new (probs around 4-6 weeks we have been told). She is a purebred yellow Labrador.