Seriously for a professional footballer he is atrocious. He set piece delivery is laughable. Stubbornness from the manager in picking him. Halme is far better option and also Williams at LB. Oduer must have killed a nest of robins. His trickery today could have been an opener. Wrong players, wrong formation for most of the game. But on another note..... That foul in first half, how that wasn't a red card I will never know.
oh and before the spelling police arrive, yes I know its Ritzmaier. I'm that angry typing this and like a silly ****, I even renew season passes. Whats the chances of getting the money back on these.
Did Shitzmaier even come out for the second half? If it hadn't been for the appalling set pieces you'd be hard pressed to tell.
The bloke shouldn’t be anywhere near the pitch never mind taking all the set pieces Strubers love child or what it’s a complete joke.