On the M18 at Donny. Someone did the same from the motorway bridge at dodworth a few days ago. Obviously we all know that fallen generally means jumped which in itself is a tragedy but what I want to know is why don't motorway bridges have much higher sides and solid sides to reduce the number? I've walked over motorway bridges many times and I can see just how easy and tempting it would be for anyone who feels that way.
Should be like the bridge at Scarborough with high railings that curve back around in the shape of a letter C. https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-a...=1&vd=0&lb=&fi=2&edrf=&ispremium=1&flip=0&pl=
The same number of people will kill themselves regardless of the opportunity and ease? How do you know that?
It would cost a fkn fortune, I walked over the bridge on the M1 between 39 and 38 the other day, you wouldn’t even notice it, there must be literally hundreds of them. Like it or not calculations are made on the value of human life- Fight Club was right. There’s a reason the speed limit in built up areas is 30 and not 20 or 10, after all 10 mph would cut pedestrian deaths to zero.
I think you are working on the false equivalence that if someone is determined to kill themselves they will find a way to do it. In isolation that statement makes sense. However I would guess most suicides are the sad result of people in some form of mental crisis, and as such could be saved with the right help. Then of course on the issue of Motorway bridges we also have to consider the safety of those on the road below as well.
As I understand it in the case of most suicides, an attempt has been made before. I dont think it's a spur of the moment thing.