Havana red was very clear with his posts for example. I said that people with jobs had to return to work if their boss told them to, I sad so because I had been told I would be returning to work. In response he told me that I WANTED people to die.
Fair enough. I must say I haven’t seen anyone doing that. Obviously that’s not ok. I’m was confident it wasn’t directed at me, as I know I’ve never done that. I’m glad I never came across as such. My problem has always been with those in charge. “Profits over people” is a catchy mantra, but it doesn’t quite cover it for me. For example, I don’t have a problem with small companies that had to work, assuming they take a reasonable amount of care to ensure a safe working environment, but I have a problem with large companies carrying on as normal and putting staff and their families at risk.
Fair enough if that's what it takes to .ake you feel safe. I have to admit I think that would have drove me to the point of insanity. Certain Irony is staying in the house to stay safe but let others have the risk of picking packing and delivering items to you too. Again it's a personal choice, hopefully more people will start to get out when they can to minimise the already catastrophic economic fallout.
I have no problem with anyone's point of view. Yours is diametrically opposite my own but has remained an opinion I've continued to read whenever I've visited the board. I have a problem with how some people reacted to those with a different opinion. You remained fair to everyone whatever their stand point which is why your opinion remains worth reading.
It works like a vaccine, if everyone does it then they work, if people decide they know best and they don’t need to take advice from experts then they become less effective. We love to take the piss out of snow flakes always having melt downs about being offended and needing safe spaces, yet I’ve never heard so much whinging and bitching about putting a bit of cloth over your mouth and nose for 10 minutes while you are in a shop, grow up and wear a mask you bunch of bairns.
Ive seen this statement a couple of times. Sadly for him, meerkat faced specks gimps don’t get to invite what is and isn’t polite etiquette.
As I saw someone say online it's like giving someone four months pregnant a condom. Rules getting stricter as things get better is a odd way to go about things. Here is a article about how in Germany masks are killing shops off.... https://m.dw.com/en/coronavirus-stores-masks/a-54078933 I have no problem wearing a mask and have a fair few here as the sister brought me some and she's handy with a sewing machine. I do worry about shops though who already have very few customers as it is without adding to the list of restrictions shoppers already have. It's fine for most shops as they can stay dead with people buying through their online website. But what about charity shops? They don't sell their shop stuff through their official website. Customers for them will have you wear a mask on reduced public transport, queue outside the shop, use hand sanitiser, follow the one way system, hope the person in front doesn't slow you down, hope the person behind doesn't get annoyed wanting you to speed up, no cash sales and can't try on anything in the changing room. Just no point for them. It's free parking in Huddersfield until September which has made it harder for shop customers to find somewhere to park. Town centre workers who drove used to park out of town all day parking for £4 and walk ten minutes in to town. Now with free parking all the main car parks are rammed by 9 am so when customers arrive they are already frustrated from lack of spaces.
Yes I'm the same I have no problem wearing a mask in a shop if that's the requirement. Just the timing is very off. I can only assume it's to try and get more people out in a attempt to keep businesses afloat
Aye, and Trump is saying they’re a good idea, which is good enough for me not to wear one. It’s not even whether they work or not that’s the issue for me, it’s what everyone wearing one implies, that people are dirty plague-carriers and mini bio-hazards to be avoided at all costs. Well, I don’t want to live in a world where people treat each other like that, especially not when community transmission appears to be as close to zero as to make it incredibly unlikely that you’re going to catch it out and about town. I want to see your beautiful faces. Even Nudger.
Trump has been vehemently against masks from the start. He wore one for the first time yesterday because his poll numbers were so low, he’s trying to claw back some positive press. The problem is that he has been brainwashing his supporters to believe that masks are a communist symbol and an affront to freedom. Masks work. People that are ill should wear them always. That needs to become part of our culture. The problem is people are idiots and can’t be trusted, which is why everyone should be wearing a mask. If you want things to get back to normal, masks are a going to be a requirement I’m afraid. They will become mandatory when Gove’s ‘faith in the people’ turns out to be misplaced.
For me though if we are keeping our distance from others in public then does the mask achieve anything at all?
None of that addresses my main point at all. And people who are ill with it shouldn’t be out and about anyway. If - and I have no doubt it will rather be when, because the panic heads and media are running the show - you make a change like that, there’s no going back to normal. Like the lockdown ‘orrrr, it’s just for a few weeks, to flatten the peak’. Lies. We told you it was the thin end of the wedge regarding government imposition onto people’s civil liberties. Everything subsequently has proved us right.
I completely disagree with your main point. It’s not about treating people as though they have the plague. It’s about limiting the spread. Pretending everything is back to normal isn’t going to work when we’re getting back up towards a 1 R rate. There’s a story from America of a hairdressers that opened and saw 140 clients. The hairdresser was found to be Covid positive. She wore a mask and so did all clients and not a single client tested positive. That’s more important than not liking how people look in a mask.
You really think wearing a mask is an imposition on civil liberties? That’s the nonsense that Trump and his ilk are spreading. The people you so proudly thought you were disagreeing with earlier.
Little random fact. According to the NHS only 14 people in England aged below 60 have tested positive for covid-19 and died in UK hospitals in total. I had no idea it's so low