Yes, I absolutely do. I can’t believe anyone doesn’t. I can understand people making the point that it’s a worthwhile sacrifice to make for the health benefits, but arguing that the forced wearing of any item of clothing isn’t an imposition on people’s freedoms is so utterly bizarre and out there that I genuinely don’t think it warrants an argument.
I take it your agency staff would be fixed term contracts though, not who answers quickest at 6am gets the shift.
What worries me is what's the end game here? No vaccine on sight. Will it be permanent from now on? Everyone has to cover their faces forever? To protect those who are so vulnerable that they shouldn't be out?
I have absolutely no doubt that masks will become mandatory, and at that point there will be even less doubt that the rule will never be repealed. A lot of people have become mentally ill because of the fear generated by this government, as manifested by the behaviours you see people displaying day in day out.
Can’t believe folk are even objecting to wearing masks, infringement of human rights or possible death of someone’s loved one that could be preventable. Can’t believe that people would even argue against that.
I wear one every single time I am outside. Put it on, go out, throw the mask in the wash basket upon my returrn. There will be an already-washed mask from the previous laundry cycle for the next time I need to go out. It probably won't prevent me from dying, but it makes me feel better.
What I do is I don't walk past people. I use common sense and keep away. A mask benefits nobody in that situation
Now this - I do understand. And I do get the appeal of mandating it if it makes more people feel this way and get back out there. My beef remains though that it is pandering to this misguided belief that other people are toxic biohazards to be avoided.
I can’t believe anyone would choose to drive and watch a football game when they could kill someone with their car on the way there. It’s much safer to just watch the game on Player at home. I think it’s an absolute disgrace that you’ve driven your car from North Yorkshire to Oakwell, risking the lives of people’s loved ones just for the sake of a football match. People like you disgust me. Grandad killer.
nobody can be sure in confined spaces, folk push past one another all the time, you have no control over that, common sense by one person is easily over ridden. Any preventable death by this kind of thing is worth a bit of inconvenience. Believe me you don’t want it and you don’t want to watch a love one dying from A disease like that. Believe me it’s horrible and gut wrenching and something you never want to experience.
I've worn a face covering when out shopping from the start. It was always a good idea. They don't just limit the spread of your own droplets, they reduce the amount you are exposed to from others as well, which could mean a lower virus load + milder illness. The government poo-pooed them purely and simply because it was yet another thing the NHS was short of and they didn't want the public getting them. They've done an about-turn now because there isn't a supply issue any more, but it's too late. They've already made the majority think they are useless. To those who keep quoting the low mortality rate for the under-what's-its, it isn't just about risk to life. Some people are getting debilitating symptoms for months. Others are left with life changing disabilities.
No wonder they are running at half capacity then. Next door, none of them have been work for about 6 weeks.
This is the issue - you people genuinely think you’re better people, that your argument is the superior moral one. You might be right on the first, I dunno you, but I can assure you you could not be more wrong on the second one.
Is there distancing going on generally? One of my mates lives in Berlin and it looks very normal (I.e. no distancing at all). I know the death rates have been lower in Germany, but I've been surprised to see some of his posts on instagram. I was surprised when I read your post (masks have been compulsory indoors for three months) because from photos I've seen (albeit outdoors, and when they've had people over to their flat), it's like nothing has changed. Obviously I'm viewing this from a small lens and the truth may be very different
I don’t think I’m better, just sick of the ‘I’m all right Jack’ outlook. People are big on principle ( in this case Over a minor inconvenience ) until it all goes tits up. Like I said it’s a horrible disease with a possible horrible death at the end of it, I’ve seen it and experienced it,and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. But crack on