I think we should all wear a four sided perspex screen on our head with a pineapple on top. More confusing mixed messaging coming from the buffoonery think tank. Johnson, Trump and Conway wouldn`t trust anything that comes art of their traps.
I think one of the worrys is if you have to wear a mask it will put people off going to some shops. Social distancing has for me, I cant be bothered with it when shopping so I just don't go apart from food shopping.
Long term health risks? Ask all the retired surgeons and operating staff who spent their careers wearing them for hours on end every week for years
A more relevant statistic is that as of yesterday 1477 people are in hospital in England with COVID-19. Since the peak on the 12th April, the number of people in hospital has decreased 91.4% from 17,172 to 1,477. Over the last 2 weeks the number of people in hospital has decreased 42.8% from 2,582 to 1,477. The downward trend on this has been very consistent to this point despite the the relaxing of the lockdown. Very encouraging.
That’s got to be nonsense considering over 5000 people have died under the age of 64 according to ONS. So you’re saying that 4990 people under 60 died at home?
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...nths-uk-study-suggests?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other initial work seems to suggest that any immunity may be short lived.
Been reading more and more scientists talking about the T-cell response. Could be the answer to why we are getting so many asymptomatic cases. Would also make antibody tests redundant. Its early days and the scientific community are learing all the time.
I agree: very encouraging. I'm not pro-mask wearing by the way, only where absolutely necessary. I just find it odd that people wouldn't want to wear them if it helped stifle the virus further.
I'm in Berlin, too. For the most part people are abiding by the rules, which currently state that 1.5m must be maintained at all times and that face coverings must be worn in public indoor places. However given that private indoor events of up to 300 people and outdoor up to 1000 people can now take place, i've no doubt that many aren't adhering to social distancing behind closed doors. Things do look and feel very normal. But it feels safe (as safe as it can under the circumstances) when new case numbers are very low across the country, when outbreaks are being contained quickly and effectively, and when you have a working app that tells you your current exposure risk.
That's true. Been to the pub over the weekend and they said it's been very quiet and that's with limited space, one way system, no mask needed and outdoor seating. If people don't want to go to something closed for four months that's a big part of our country then trying to make them want to shop on the high street rather than online if they have to wear a mask will take some persuading to stop shops laying off even more staff. When it was made mandatory on transport it was explained because you're in one place for a prolonged period of time as you're sat in your seat for however many minutes. In a shop you're constantly on the move so not in the same spot for long, so it would go against their original reasoning for masks on transport.
Unless its to N95 standard or similar its a pointless exercise. An old sock, a disposable mask neither have the sufficiant filtration to prevent the spread of Covid 19.
Not so sure about that. As standard we are wearing the basic llR surgical mask even when nursing suspected or confirmed covid patients. We only use a higher standard mask if we have to perform CPR. This is within the nhs.
People will only return to pubs, shops, restaurants, etc in pre-COVID numbers when they feel safe to do so. England (Scotland, Wales and NI are now in single figures) is still reporting more deaths per week than the entire EU. New cases have increased over the last week. People do not feel safe yet.
False. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2020-07-08-oxford-covid-19-study-face-masks-and-coverings-work-act-now