I feel like I'm gonna stay here forever if people think swimming with your head in the water is "doing it wrong"! Must be something in the water supply. In all seriousness, I have no desire to go out. I'm not afraid to, I just have no reason to. I'm perfectly happy being at home spending time with my wife. It's not for everyone, but it works for us. We've caught up on TV shows and movies that we've been wanting to watch for years, we've done a lot of housework, painting etc. When the gyms open, that might change. I miss swimming. Had an email today and the precautions they are planning look promising. I'll give it a few days or weeks though after opening to see how it's looking.
Generally people hold their breath and then come up for air every 2 or 4 strokes. I can't imagine swimming and trying to keep my head above water.
The thing for me is, if I have to wear a mask I will. But as a result the only shops I will likely visit are supermarkets. The rest I'll do online, and that's very bad for the shops. It's a tricky balancing act.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/face-coverings-mandatory-shops-supermarkets-22349790 We will soon find out if masks put even more people off using shops or if it makes more people feel comfortable enough to use shops.
Anytime you want it then it's there All you gotta do is stop it On the corner and ask Say hey you don't live today Stop the world Stop the world I'm getting off
Or the start ..... Here comes the wise man And there goes the fool You see that burnt out world that he is living in I don't need to look for the rules
Same here. I will go to Asda once every 3 weeks and get the bare necessities and that's all. I wouldn't be surprised to find meadowhall go under or at least lakeside at Donny, white rose at Leeds, peep retail park at barnsley etc. Quite a few town centre shops will go under too
Go to Asda at 9:45pm. Only one in shop MUST wear mask Go to a bar and get absolutely rat arsed with your mates. Crack on lad breathe away Absolutely stupid
I know why they are doing it... they’ve managed to **** a large percentage of society up they are struggling to leave home. So they are using the pretence of a face mask to give this aura of being safe to get people back out into general population. Face coverings should have been implemented months ago when the peak was at its highest, not at a placid post coital slumber.