So it won't count for staff. They must breathe in different air to the customers in the same building as them.
I was a bit flippant about this before but seriously, it's not wearing a mask that's now putting me off using shops, it's all the people telling me why masks are a bad idea.
I know... I have to wear one for 13 plus hours a shift. The last thing I want to do is wear one when I'm not at work but heyho, I'll somehow find the strength and fortitude to do so for a few minutes when out shopping
So far this year, there have been 19% more deaths than the 5 year average (including the 2018 part of the flu season). Non-COVID deaths are *lower* than the five year average. In an average year, about 5-600,000 people die in the UK. Even with a lockdown we are significantly above the norm *including 2017-18* (for which ~14m people were vaccinated against flu). Deaths have now returned to normal levels - including 530 COVID deaths in the figures. Oh, and deaths in the under 65 age-group are up by 6% year-on-year.
We were having a pretty good year then until Covid came on the scene. MSM at it again today scaring people with the guess work of more predictions, this time saying 120,000 lives could be lost in a second wave. It's amazing how this story just by coincidence came out on the day masks will be made mandatory. Boris couldn't have asked for better timing. The sort of timing you only see in Chinese state media when President Xi wants to push forward his agenda.
Infections have been falling rapidly without mssks anyway. It can't hurt in terms of reducing infections further you're right. Hopefully doesn't cause too much extra damage to the high street, although at thos point it may not matter the damage is likely already done.
It's a mess with them already looking at offices being next. For months they have said when you're on the move it's not as bad. Yet it's retail customers being told to wear a mask who are constantly on the move, yet office staff and customers in pubs and restaurants who are sat in the same place long term and not on the move are OK.
Factories and warehouses where people work for 8 -12 hours at a time too. They don't have to wear masks.
Maybe an idea to keep wearing em outside in urban areas cos that air quality we had during lockdown certainly aint here now. Gove and Truss both pictured leaving the same Pret shop in Westminster. Truss has her mask on even though it's not yet mandatory. Gove has no mask on so is still seemingly pushing his point that they shouldn't be mandatory. It looks like Boris has some disagreement in his cabinet.
They won’t but the majority of us live in Barnsley... Empty Market on sky high rents. Empty buildings with no rates Empty unfinished Glassworks project that the council has to pay for. Higher housing benefits to pay out Council tax shortfalls Pensions to pay. It’s going to be bumpy.
Yes that's true the timing of the glass works couldn't be worse. Can't see many retailers being in a postion tonopen new stores any time soon. The latest economic news doesn't look good at all today.
I live in the town centre and it’s been getting slowly busier as each weekend passes... I think masks being made compulsory at this juncture is going to be the fat lady warming her vocals.
Not so sure Dreamboy. Maybe Truss has a bit of sense and consideration in her, which is unusual for a Tory. Protecting herself and those around her. Well done Liz. As for that creepy pile of **** Gove. Well he could not give a fk about anyone.
Just out of interest, why is the compulsory wearing of masks going to kill the high street? If you want to go shopping, put a fcking mask on. It's not difficult is it? Why is it such a problem?