I really hope you are right but I don't think you are. I have seen nothing that leads me to believe we will see any vaccine available for the masses until sometime in 2021.
Could have a vaccine by October.... https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/oxford-vaccine-appears-give-double-18605017.amp
That can be solved by not being able to get out of your seat till the end of the game. That will cripple some folk by not being able to guzzle ale or stuff their faces before or after the game.
You think Oxford are over hyping the chance of a vaccine for us all before Christmas? I disagree they are involved heavily so they know better than anyone the chances. If not looking at this You Gov poll people might not want to rush back even if they can.....
Nothing in life is certain but even liars like Hancock say a vaccine is unlikely to be widely available before 2021.
If history tells us anything from the last few months, now that they’ve said it, they won’t go back on that no matter what happens. The entire reopening plan has not been altered despite progress not being as good as they predicted. Once they say an arbitrary date, they won’t change it.