Yes certain parts for over 30 years thanks to Thatcher. Labour did nothing to stifle or reverse this either. It's hardly new.
As the Labour Party has just settled the libel cases in relation to the defamination of the whistleblowers and the presenter of the Panorama documentary into Labour Party Anti Semitism. As well as substantial damages and costs to cover the Labour Party has formally retracted and apologised for the comments. The Party will be doing well not to be bankrupted by the payouts. Corbyn Formby and Milne tried to block the outcome using a Union funded legal team... The second time Union funds have been thrown at a Court case. Keep digging deeper Comrades...
Well I would have been shocked if Jeremy Hunt had not been on that list but what can I do whenever I've emailed him I get some patronising bullsh1t back basically toeing the party line - obviously not voting for him is all I can hit him with but in Farnham thats of little value as there are plenty of hardened tories round here so he always gets in So the Tory Manifesto stated they wouldnt privatise the NHS or compromise on our food standards or workers rights, but whenever anyone has tried to insert a clause to honour that into an act of parliament they vote it down and there is little concern amongst their supporters. They also committed in their Manifesto to negotiate a deal with the EU but now its looking almost certain we will leave with no deal something that has never in any poll been shown to be the will of the people but they dont care and even worse I expect they will be voted in again next time -it seems a sizeable enough minority of our country prefer being lied to than facing reality
The EU aren’t clever enough to think of anything like that. They would rather see the UK crash and burn than give us a trade deal that benefits millions of EU citizens as well as ours.
No no no, you’ve got it completely wrong. This will be the easiest trade deal ever. The EU will be falling over themselves to trade with us after brexit,,,, and don’t even get me started on our close friends the German car industry, not with all the merc’s and Porsche’s we buy! F*ck me!!!!
No because only an idiot would think that the EU would rather make the U.K. crash and burn rather than look after the interests of their member states. It’s not a difference of opinion, it’s a nutter making a comment on something he has no concept of
And, by the way, when you take back control, you don’t need anybody to give you anything, because you’re in control!
Calm down ol lad, who rattled your cage? No, I think you’re right, we should just bow to the EU’s demands, let them fish in our waters like before, let the ECJ rule over our courts. Pay them a massive euro divorce bill for nothing in return. Sign up to competition rules that will hold us back for years to come. And I’m sure the German car industry and thousands or European businesses couldn’t give a toss about one of their biggest customers. me indeed!!!
Yes but none of those things needs to happen,,,that’s my point, we took back control. Unless we haven’t and the brexit voters have been pillocked of course.
The EU have already replaced their share of trade with the UK with trade with other 3rd countries. Even if we stop trading with the EU tomorrow, their trade will still be above 2016 levels. Ours will be about half of 2016 levels.