So if I dont agree can I not be part of the club? Why should anyone e told to do something if they dont agree or affected? Is that not freedom of speech?
Al the players are taking the knee. Whether they know why or not. Which is my point, why should we all do something we are told to do
Think it might be a bit tricky doing it in the seats but certainly I would, why wouldn't I, I'm not racist.
I doubt they will ask, but if there's the opportunity I would. If there was no pressure either way to kneel, would you?
You may not be racist..but you are doing something you are told to do . Dont you see that? Open your eyes
Wait, if there's no pressure either way then how would kneeling make you a sheep? What is it about BLM itself that you object to?
Think of it like that then, By kneeling TOGETHER you are showing that racism has no place in the 21st century. Just like minutes silences show respect for those who've died and their families.
Obviously there is pressure because most footballers are doing it. Not all motor sports though. People are so easily persuaded to kneel for a cause that doesnt affect them directly.scary
Can't say that a lot of the people who we hold a minute's silence for have affected me directly. Maybe I should take an airhorn next time.