Some people like to help others. It's part of being a human being, having empathy for others. You know like people collecting for the miners strike that weren't miners.
It's blatantly obvious that racial inequality exists in the USA and the UK. To deny that it does demonstrates either naivety, complete ignorance or racism. If a person doesn't fall into those categories why would they have a problem showing support for a groundswell of action to try to end that inequality? Throwing support behind a cause that is right and decent does not make you a sheep. It makes you a caring, compassionate human being.
Must admit when they did it last night I did wonder how long it will go on for, we don’t do a minutes silence every game but I bet that there are ex service personnel watching every game Maybe next season the league could set a date (around the date of George Floyds death?) and only do it then, we all support anti racism but BLM now have a political agenda and as this taking the knee business is synonymous with the BLM movement it implies support for their policies (defunding the police) which I’m sure many would be uncomfortable with.
They all kneel near each other, equally. It’s not white players being made to kneel at the feet of black players is it? A black sports person started kneeling first, then more black sports people joined him then white sports players kneeled next to them to show support and solidarity for their cause. All nice and equal.
Isn't it something to do with Dominic Raab and Lord of the Rings or something like that. Aren't we supposed to do it to recognise King Boris?
You have a point about the BLM organisation - they've took on wider policies that don't make sense. But Taking the Knee etc are gestures to show solidarity with the wider movement. You also might be right that it eventually ends up being a yearly thing. Taffy Crisp, I don't agree with you. The players are doing it to show solidarity - and why wouldn't they? Somebody above made a great point: do you have the same problem with a minute of silence or applause? We're told to do those and everyone does without an issue. It's the same.
I think if any of them didn,t do it, they,d be slaughtered, i personally won,t do it, i,m not racist, xenophobic, homophobic or anything else, but i won,t be constantly pressured into proving it...
No, you’re a human with much more advanced cognitive processing which should tell you that kneeling for 10 seconds to show solidarity with a group of people who are systematically targeted for something beyond their control is really not that big of an issue. It’s all by the by anyway because we won’t be asked as fans to take a knee but I really don’t understand the thought process of not doing something so minor within part of your life (bending down on one knee for 10 seconds) to show support for something much bigger than all of us.
Funny how the person who opposes taking a knee is the same person who saw nothing wrong with the Bo Selecta Trisha sketches....
It's funny how a lot of people who won't be "pressured" into kneeling are the same people who froth at the mouth when James McLean refuses to wear a poppy. How would they feel if I took a loudspeaker and blasted crazy frog during the next remembrance silence? It's not that I'm anti-armed forces, I just won't be constantly pressured into proving it...
It's not about proving you're not... surely that's a given? It's about showing help and support to other people. You don't stay silent/clap for a minute in memory of people solely to prove you're not secretly a huge fan of people dying do you? You do it to support the family and friends of the person who's passed away.