Yes, my first thought was that it looks like something I would have worn at Gatecrasher 20 years and 20 kilos ago!
Think it’s going to happen more often tbh. Now a lot of people see adults wearing club shirts on non match days as a bit naff manufacturers are looking for a way to come up with a shirt style that fans can wear as casual wear.In this case they have come up with a,errr, erm
Looks like the kind of going out shirt Essex boys would wear for a Saturday night at Sugar Hut to take photos for Insta likes.
My husband, who knows nothing about football at all (refuses to watch it with me, even on telly) just said to me ‘yeah, they had that in ‘95, I had that shirt’. To be fair, he was 8 at the time but as if he could just say the year without even pausing to think.
Lol you are supposed to wear a shirt to be able to easily see your players. Which numpty went for camouflage!! Lol grey as well. Even on the roads people in silver and grey cars get hit more as they are not easily seen. Well done dee dars.
they actually changed it at half time away v Southampton, they were getting gubbed 4 - 1 and lost 6 -3
You are right, the 6 - 3 must have been around the same era and I’m easily confused!
I saw a comment from someone saying its nice and they would wear it “out”. Where on earth would they wear that out?! Paintball is a good shout.
Yep, you're correct. I remember it being half way through summat, thought of season but yes it was during a game.
I like it. I'd wear it. Obviously not as it's a Sheffield Wednesday shirt but if it was ours I would. It looks like a T-shirt. Football kits look like football kits because that's what they are. Good for playing football in not for wearing. I like T-shirts and I'd wear it. I wouldn't buy and wear something that looks like a football kit.