Just seen this not sure if it’s been posted but imo it doesn’t hurt us and I agree with the sentiment. https://petition.parliament.uk/peti...RIXgvRepi7LWAWDdhuKCTycIDTJvEU-OV10PwslKujpNI
I don't get why we are so confident about the outcome really. They claim they hadn't defaulted on any debts at the time of the points deduction, but have since due to loss of income with COVID ie. force majeure?
I thought they could only appeal on grounds of Force Majeure. Meaning it was some exceptional circumstances beyond their control that forced them to go into admin So surly that rules out even discussing the Blackpool situation. Or any technically regarding the end of the season and when points should be deducted. I’d have thought they can only argue Force Majeure and nothing else.
They really think their special don't they. My sympathy as gone down the drain for them. Stuff them. They blame the efl for deeming the owners fit...so did they. they wouldn't of approved their owners in the first place. As for the pandemic. They have paid more than their club worth for years and continued with that....play fair and then we would see the real outcome of the league tables. As for their forums and posts mocking Bolton. Karma is a tw@t. I'm not wishing anything on wigan, they have just lost my sympathy. Once this is over and done with, I'll forget about them as I don't even have a thought of them been rivalry.
No. 1 on this list I just dont get at all. The club and its owner are not independant entities. "Its not our fault we've got a **** owner" It doesn't make any sense. Like trying to argue that you shouldn't be relegated because "it's not our fault we didn't get enough points. We didn't know our players were crap"
You won't find a Wigan fan who prefers that option. They all live in cloud cuckoo land and believe they are a well run club without any debts.
A Club can appeal against a decision of the Board to impose a 12-point deduction under the EFL Regulation 12.3.10, and the appeal will be heard by an independent panel appointed by Sports Resolutions. That independent panel will determine whether the relevant Insolvency Event(s) arose solely as a result of a Force Majeure event, caused by and resulted directly from circumstances, other than normal business risks, over which the Club could not reasonably be expected to have controlled. EFL 07 July 2020
The appeal can be appealed, the EFL did it with Birmingham, not convinced we can do it though, would have thought EFL would have to.
To be fair he has a point. Personally I also think we should be nowhere near it. We have nothing to do with whether they should have a deduction or not.
Defaulting on debts isn't the only thing to insolvency. It's if you haven't sufficient income to cover them. So you could pay the minimum on credit cards each month and technically you'd have enough money to service your debt but you weren't able to afford to heat your home by doing so. You could then go bankrupt if you wanted to. Someone else could only bankrupt you if you missed a minimum payment. Their owner put them into administration, his choice presumably because he knew he woukdnt/couldn't finance the debts going forward.
The timeline was 1. They entered administration 2. They were handed a 12 point deduction due to entering intoainto administration as per the rules They can't claim that they weren't in adminstration when the deduction was handed out because they were
This is what I was asking other day RH, that surely the owners could have bought some time by talking to their creditors to help to get to the end of the season. Stay up, yes have a bit of a fire sale to reduce and have the extra 6 million to help pay. I think they gambled thinking they had enough to stay up thinking us or Luton were guaranteed to go down and it backfired.
It's the timing which really gets me. As soon as it became obvious Wigan weren't going to go down without points deduction (when they got to 52 points) penalty should have been applied. They appeal within a week and I'm sure this could have been heard before the end of the season. Ridiculous, everyone in limbo and I certainly don't feel confident in celebrating staying up.
They appeal should've been heard within two weeks of the ruling. They either disagreed with the deduction, or the ruling around the timing of it, or they didn't. No way that it's right that they can just sit on it while they see how the six games play out.
Don't disagree in principle, but some good points on it made towards the end of this podcast: To summarise: - The rules aren't made by the EFL, they are made by the clubs. It will be difficult to get owners to vote for a rule change that makes selling the club more complex - Eddie Davies was considered a great owner when he was at Bolton. Nobody has a bad word to say about him, and no suggestions that he should've failed the fit & proper test. But the spending levels started under his ownership, and things unravelled once his family wanted out. For Eddie Davies, you can also read Dave Whelan, Jack Walker and even Patrick Cryne. The thing that made them a good owner was the fact that they were also supporters of the clubs. How to you assess that in a fit & proper test? Hopefully the Crynes' diligence has meant that our current owners are less likely to just jump ship, even if they do just our best players all the time.