Can be a leader without being the captain! I must say though, if Mowatt does leave, Sollbauer would be my first choice to have the armband.
Don’t really understand the obsession with captains. Leaders will lead irrespective of being captain, or not.
I’d have Sollbauer as captain whether Mowatt leaves or not. Not that it really matters, but Mowatt isn’t a captain for me. Let him focus on his game.
I have to disagree. I think a captain is important. The team has to have a leader. He's the identity of the team. Keane for Man Utd, Cafu for Brazil and Redfearn/Hourihane for us.
I think we suffered a bit decision wise from him not being an outfield player. By all accounts he was great in the organisational role and a lot of the work he did has been more fairly distributed around the team,
Well, yes, you’re naming players that are/were leaders. If they weren’t captain they’d probably have still lead the team, see Sollbauer as an example. Was Mike Bahre the identity of our team?
I think that was because he was the longest serving player, plus he did a lot in the community. Like a club ambassador type captain. I dunno, maybe I'm thinking too much into it.
Don't think he was a leader though - going back to point someone made - you can have a captain but others in team can lead. Think Sollbauer showed that this season - he seemed to be the one doing a lot of organizing and geeing up of the players. Taking nothing away from Alex though who deserves to be captain
Yeah Alex knows the league inside out by now. He's become the anchor in midfield too, so that's probably the ideal position for a skipper, especially in an attack minded team like ours. Sollbauer is the marshall in defence and definitely part of our "spine".