What do you expect admins to do though, genuinely? Compile a list of names and evidence and file a complaint with local plod? Admins have lives, we are all adults on here (some with questionable views) and it's not down to admins to police it. They remove the posts and beyond that what else should we expect? Personally I want to thank all of our admins for doing a thoroughly thankless job.
It actually is down to admins to police it. Legally it is. For example if an out and out racist was posting extreme racist posts and that poster wasn't banned then legal action could be taken against he site owner. Now I'm not saying we are in that territory, just explaining how it is a legal obligation to police or moderate it What do I think should be done? Well I think that when a certain poster is regularly posting racist crap then that oster shouldn't be allowed to continue to do so. And yes I do understand how hard the job is and how they really shouldn't have to do anything at all but it seems to me that a certain poster is just an out and out racist who absolutely ruins every thread he is involved in by posting his racist bile, and apart from that he doesn't even know how to use the BBS.. It's much harder work to keep moderating and pruning his threads than it is to simply get rid of the bad apple. Had that one poster not been involved with the thread it was much more of a genuine debate despite the far right views of people like nudger, he at least put forward his views coherently
If as you say a certain poster is regularly posting racist crap (I dont think you're being hypothetical?) then I would argue we are in the banning/legal action territory.
Legal action I don't believe is right as it isn't the case of the posts being out and out illegal but if you imagine the BBS as being a pub, if you've got one person in there who is antagonising the rest of the pub to such an extent that every time he sits down the landlord has to make the entire table move away then eventually you have to say that surely that one customer shouldn't be allowed back in the pub
What frustrates me is people posting provocative threads, purely to get a rise out of people, and because I'm not remotely interested in them, I elect not to bother with them. Yet I am apparently still expected to trawl through 20+ pages of utter crap to then make a decision, just because someone expects it. On a topic that has been done to death on an almost daily basis. On a football forum. Apparently, by not taking action, in a thread I have no interest in, because it has been done to death, I am implicated as being complicit in racisim. Perhaps we should just take more action against the trolls, and do away with political / Brexit threads. That would soon sort it.
Who said you were complicit in racism? Who asked you to trawl through a thread? Fonzie says that he reported specific posts. I like how simply because you have seemingly never liked me you now try to turn it around as being my fault that Selby red posts racist **** on the BBS. That's out of order fired in my opinion Do you honestly believe that the BBS should be restricted to football? You've used the forum for long enough, both as admin and as a regular poster, to know the BBS has always been this diverse with topics and discussions both light-hearted and quite deep and serious
Interesting how people want to condemn racism but nobody mentions some of the personal abuse hurled between various posters. I’m not defending racism in that statement just saying there is no excuse for personal abuse.
For complete clarity on this, we only had three alerts to that whole thread. None of them were from you. One of them I rejected because an apology was forthcoming.
Depends what you consider personal abuse. If calling a racist a racist is abusive then yes I'll continue to do so. Is nudger calling someone a snowflake considered personal abuse? A lot of the 'personal abuse' comes about as a result of the person acting horribly and generating an angry response because of their posts. I know because I've been a **** and caused people to do the same to me many times and have been the one hitting back at others too. It all really depends on the context of the conversation imo as to what is and isn't justified
No I didn't report any at all. I didn't even think the report button worked anymore as whenever I have reported anything from the borderline to the outright racism it's always been seemingly ignored, coupled with other members saying their reports were seemingly ignored and I've always thought it was broken.
I have no idea if he/ she does post racist stuff - as I say I can't be bothered to read through the threads that involve Brexit / Politics. I don't mind off topic threads, but do we really need another Brexit thread? I'll tell you this, if no-one posted about Brexit again, there would be alot less falling out. It's been done. No-one is going to change someone else's political opinion on a football forum. If you think it's unfair on you, try sitting at home having not even logged onto the BBS in days, to find out that you're inadvertently backing racism by not acting on threads you haven't read, and that you're "legally responsible" for policing stuff out of your control, as a volunteer.
The legally responsible thing was simply a fact in direct response to someone who mentioned it. It wasn't an insult or a slight on your character. I also don't think you are backing racism. And no, as brexit is the biggest thing affecting our lives right now and forever going forward (covid-19 aside) I don't think it's been done now and we should all just move on from it. It's a real issue, an issue that affects each and every one of us. Also I've had my opinions changed on forums many times. Ironically on the immigration issue it was changed many years ago as a direct result of a debate on this very site, or on an earlier version of it at least.
I haven't seen a reported post from you in as long as I can remember. I'll not make any further comment, but on behalf of admin I would invite you to use the report function considering how outrageous you believe that last thread to be. Some reports are 'ignored'. Not every report is a valid one or one that requires immediate action.
I'll.be the first to admit I called folk out using strong language. Racism, lies and propaganda needs calling out. It's a strange situation to be in, I'm a foul mouthed woke,snowflake apparently. We've got a diverse football team, what if players read this rubbish? Some of the opinions shared on here are straight from a Bernard Manning gig. Folk have tried to reason, provide evidence but all you get is Nick Griffin, Farage and Katie Hopkins response. Same individuals then share videos (made by proven extremeright wingers) which carry backhanded racist messages. I've also in recent weeks seen an increase in false reporting on Covid 19. I understand folk are struggling but to see it being downplayed is dangerous. Just my observations.
I know I hardly covered myself in glory in that thread, but I find it very difficult to sit back and let people spout racist nonsense. It's a good thing I'm not an admin on here or there wouldn't be anybody left I don't think. Reckon I'd have even banned myself by now.
Yep and one thing this forum does well is tells people when they are wrong, which is fine. I just don’t see the need for people to start getting personal with it. If you think I’m talking rubbish, tell me, if you think I sound racist tell me but the personal stuff is wrong IMO.
I agree to an extent but there are lines that seem to being crossed more often these days on a wide variety of posts that result in personal abuse. That’s not about opinions. If someone posts a horrible comment, why can’t people call them out on that and refrain from adding personal abuse.