you are absolutely right! There are very very few messages which could be called racist. What has happened is that some posters use the term 'racism' (a term some of them misunderstand) as a bullying weapon against those who wont be bullied into agreeing with them. Self-righteously they see themselves as the racist police on this site. Disagree with them and you're a racist and therefore have to be called out, bullied, abused. They are obsessed with 'racism' - they have to see it everywhere even where it doesn't exist. There should be no place on this site for personal abusing;
You couldn't be more wrong. Racist gets called out on racism. Cries that free speech is being taken away. Surely you can see the issue? It's not The Racist Police - it's decent folk becoming frustrated from banging their heads against a wall.
Can I ask what the responsibilities of admin actually are? I don’t envy your jobs, but they have to be carried out, and in this current climate, racism should be easy to spot. And if it isn’t easily spotted, perhaps an awareness course should be mandatory for all admin?
Within the last year there has been bouts of blatant Antisemitism and I dont mean the Israel is an Apartheid state remarks. Theres been thinly veiled references to the current Governments cabinets BAME members being Uncle Toms. Theres been blatant misogynist remarks towards women MP's of all rosettes. References to Hindu women being cows ( as a comparison if I called a Muslim a pig heads would explode all over Barnsley with indignation) and all Muslims are brown which given how globally spread and encompassing different nations, that assumption is in its self .. racist. There has been references to the Traveller community being Pikeys through out my entire time on this forum- something that can technically get you prosecuted. Just off the top of my head. None of which the Racist Police call out. Is it because theyve missed the nuances of the comments? Because they agree with the poster politically? Who knows thats not for me to answer. As for the increase abuse, many of the posters are currently in a almost permanent state of fear, consciously or sub consciously therefore their emotions are running high which means they will snap and be abusive at the slightest thing and use the BBS as a way to release those tensions. Regardless of political leaning.
Morngy Monday Torrid Tuesday W4nk Wednesday Terrible Thursday Furkin Friday Shatty Saturday Sultry Sunday I'd like to keep up the tradition of the BBS. Non of this cheery nonsense.
There's also been reference to Fried Chicken and Illiterate Delroy's by one particular racist poster who somehow still has an account on here.
And therein lies the problem for admin DeeTee. Firstly may I say that I’ve liked your comment because I’m in full agreement. But one mans insulting reference is another mans racist comment. Lets take pikey for example, because we’re all soft and fluffy these days we call them irish travellers, Pikey comes from the word turnpike and describes those who live at the edge of society, insulting to them yes, racist no
So there's been lots of racism on this site over the past 12 months, i can agree to that. I wouldn't say it's been called out selectively, I also don't believe posters on here have attacked Asia and black members of parliament because of their skin colour or religion. It's clear posters have attacked their actions. The topic of Diane Abbott however...... As for folk supposedly being uptight due to lockdown, well let's just say I've seen just how the right wingers view folk of different colour, religion and with disabilities during that time. Again I make no apology for my actions or statements just like many others on here who use whataboutery and faux shock and hurt to fight their corner.
Would you like to test that the term isn't racist, xenophobic or bigoted in court? Just because you know the history of the word doesn't make it acceptable to use, especially if it's used in a derogatory manner. In addition there seems to be a belief that members of this board (racist police) don't have the ability to comprehend the law. You couldnt be further from truth, members haven't been called until it is evident that they view minorities as a sub - class / race / religion in our society. Whataboutery about the history of words and connections to Empire isn't an adequate rebuttal. Likewise the labelling of folk as woke snowflake, liberal, lefty and Antifa are lazy and again a way to justify their out of step views of the world. The lack of empathy by some members is worrying, if it's not the aforementioned groups they attack it's those shielding from a fatal virus. The weapon of choice again appears to be whataboutery; misrepresenting people's views and evidence to outright downplaying the situations of people at risk (even when medical evidence is provided).
Or we could be uplifting and go musical... Blue Monday Ruby Tuesday Just Wednesday Jersey Thursday Black Friday Drive-in Saturday Lazy Sunday