Modern day football terminology does my head in. Like Round of 16...... They're either semi finals, quarter finals FFS . What's your modern day footy terminology bug bares ? Fanzine article coming soon. Best ones will get in the next EyUp & Down. Cheers
This seems a good place to ask a question that's been bothering me for a while - when did "top bin" become a thing? I've heard it a bit over the last couple of seasons, but can never remember it being a thing when I was younger. Is it a regional thing? It's entirely possible that I've just heard it a few times from one commentator, so it might be personal to them!
The ones that get me are the commentators who use the new names for the grounds. There are loads of them now and i sincerely have no idea what match they are talking about. I've had to stop watching final score because half the time I have no idea who they are talking about. For example: "Let's go to xxx at the yyy stadium.... and without putting the score on the screen, they'll start talking about this player did this, that player did that" Don't know the players, don't know the ground, don't know the score... I've no idea what you're talking about mate. So when we play away i just sit and watch the goals go in on the internet. Saddo that i am. at least i know what team has scored, lol
I was listening to a podcast the other week, and they referred to a player in the Premier league (might have been David Silva) having the most 'secondary assists' in the league. So assisting the player who assisted the goal. I know that's a thing in Ice Hockey, but this was the first instance I'd heard of it in football. Meaningless stats in general really. Expected goals for and against. I'm not sure I even know what that means. Or expected shots for and against.
When people say that something is a 'match winning goal' but they mean because it was a good goal, rather than one that put them in the lead. It doesn't matter how amazing it is if the other team scores one more than you.
As football becomes more and more analysed, you end up having a wealth of additional data and it can be tricky to work your way through it. I can definitely see 'secondary assists' being useful in certain contexts (for example, if you have a couple of wingers with high assists and want to see where their balls to put the crosses in come from), and XG is generally considered really interesting as it attempts to strip out as much of the 'chance' element as possible and look at the underlying performances. For example, it's a good initial way of trying to rigorously work out how lucky a team has been - that would be of big interest to bookmakers or gamblers. From a club perspective, Barnsley's XG for the past season could be used to demonstrate that we need better finishers or even, when taken with other sets, that we're generally shooting from too far out. A lot of these myriad datasets, and the stats taken from them, are misused at the moment, in that they're taken on their own to prove a single point. Their real value comes when you have multiple sets, all of which might seem - and often are - completely useless when taken in isolation. The point is that you take them together, and combine them to understand the whole. If you look at a heat map of successful passes made and overlay it with your 'secondary assists', for example, then you might discover something really useful. Do they come from defence or midfield? Is it because of who they habitually pass to, or the specific passes they've made? The stats can tell you that with the correct manipulation, and they can do it a lot more accurately than any individual watching the game can, because you can discover things that nobody's paying attention to.
That's a good insight into the use of stats like that. I can certainly see the benefits from a business and a gambling point of view. I feel it doesn't necessary need to be used when you're watching a game. Particularly with Sky Sports now, there seems to be a need to explain everything, and stats are the obvious way to do that. I feel in that regard, given as you say, it can remove the chance element, I feel it takes the enjoyment out of watching a game on TV. That being said, I've always preferred being on the terraces regardless.